What does the name Ber mean? What is the meaning of the name Ber
Meaning of Ber: Name Ber in the German origin, means Bear; fast and furious being. Name Ber is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ber are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Ber (Namesakes)
- Robert Blake (actor)
Robert Blake (born Michael James Gubitosi; September 18, 1933) is an American actor.
- Roberto Alagna
Roberto Alagna (French pronunciation: [ʁɔ.bɛʁ.to a.la.ɲa]; Italian pronunciation: [roˈbɛrto aˈlaɲɲa]; born 7 June 1963) is a French tenor.
- Bern Nadette Stanis
Bernnadette Stanis (born Bernadette Stanislaus, December 22, 1953) is an American actress and author.
- Albert Dupontel
Albert Dupontel (French: [al.bɛʁ dy.pɔ̃.tɛl]; born 11 January 1964) is a French actor, film director and screenwriter.
- Graham Smith (Bermudian swimmer)
Graham Smith (born December 31, 1982 in Bermuda) is an international-level swimmer from Bermuda.
- Thierry Robert
Thierry Jean Bernard Robert (French: [tjɛ.ʁi ʁɔ.bɛʁ], born 1 April 1977 in Saint-Denis, Réunion, is a French politician who was elected to the French National Assembly on 17 June 2012 representing the Department of Réunion.
He has been the mayor of Saint-Leu since 2008.
- Moshe Ber Beck
Moshe Ber Beck or Moshe Dov Beck (Hebrew: משה דוב בעק; born May 17, 1934) is a leader of one of the Neturei Karta branches in the United States.
- Héber Araujo dos Santos
Héber Araujo dos Santos, known as Héber (born 10 August 1991), is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Major League Soccer side New York City as a striker.
- Dimash Kudaibergen
Dinmukhammed Kanatuly Kudaibergen (Kazakh: Дінмұхаммед Қанатұлы Құдайберген, Dinmuhammed Qanatuly Qudaıbergen; born 24 May 1994) is a Kazakh singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Ber Numerology: Name Ber has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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