What does the name Bente mean? What is the meaning of the name Bente
Meaning of Bente: Name Bente in the French, Danish origin, means Blessed; Form of Benedict. Name Bente is of French, Danish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Bente are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bente (Namesakes)
- Bente Skari
Bente Skari, née Martinsen, (born 10 September 1972) is a Norwegian former cross-country skier.
- Bente Kahan
Bente Kahan (born 23 September 1958) is a Norwegian solo vocalist, actress, musician, director and playwright, best known for her renditions and productions of Yiddish folk music and plays.
- Bente Nordby
Bente Nordby (born 23 July 1974) is a former Norwegian football goalkeeper, who last played for Olympique Lyonnais in Lyon, France.
- Ragnhild Bente Andersen
Ragnhild Bente Andersen (born 31 March 1965) is a Norwegian orienteering competitor and World champion.
- Bente Kvitland
Bente Kvitland (born 23 June 1974) is a Norwegian former footballer who was an Olympic champion with the Norway women's national football team.
- Bente Erichsen
Bente Erichsen (born 7 January 1949) is a Norwegian culture director and the current (and inaugural) Director of the Nobel Peace Center.
- Bente Thorsen
Bente Thorsen (born 31 October 1958 in Karmøy) is a Norwegian politician representing the Progress Party.
- Bente Kraus
Bente Kraus (born 21 February 1989) is a German speed skater.
- Bente Stein Mathisen
Bente Stein Mathisen (born 1 February 1956) is a Norwegian politician for the Conservative Party.
- Bente Rogge
Bente Rogge (born 2 October 1997) is a Dutch water polo player for Arizona State Sun Devils and the Dutch national team.
- Bente Træen
Bente Træen (born 15 October 1958) is a Norwegian dentist and sexologist.
- Bente Hansen (gymnast)
Bente Hansen (born 22 August 1953) is a Norwegian gymnast.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Bente Numerology: Name Bente has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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