What does the name Benny mean? What is the meaning of the name Benny
Meaning of Benny: Name Benny in the Hebrew, German origin, means Hebrew - Son of the South; Son Of the Right Hand, Favorite; A diminutive of the name Benjamin and variant of Ben. Name Benny is of Hebrew, German origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Benny: Hebrew - Son of the South; Son Of the Right Hand, Favorite; A diminutive of the name Benjamin and variant of Ben
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Famous people with name Benny (Namesakes)
- Benny Andersson
Göran Bror Benny Andersson (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈbɛ̌nːʏ ˈânːdɛˌʂɔn] (listen); born 16 December 1946) is a Swedish musician, composer, producer, member of the Swedish music group ABBA, and co-composer of the musicals Chess, Kristina från Duvemåla, and Mamma Mia!.
- Benny Hinn
- Benny Golson
Benny Golson (born January 25, 1929) is an American bebop/hard bop jazz tenor saxophonist, composer, and arranger.
- Benny Urquidez
Benny Urquidez (born June 20, 1952) is an American kickboxer, martial arts choreographer and actor.
- Benny Boom
Benny Douglas, (born July 22, 1971), professionally known as Benny Boom, is an American music video and television director.
- Benny Benassi
Marco "Benny" Benassi (born 13 July 1967) is an Italian DJ, record producer and remixer.
- Benny Medina
Benny Medina (born January 24, 1958) is the CEO of The Medina Company and son of the jazz drummer Ahmad "Benny" Medina.
- Benny Mardones
Ruben Armand "Benny" Mardones (born November 9, 1946) is an American pop singer and songwriter noted for his hit single "Into the Night", which hit the Top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart twice, in 1980 (#11) and again in 1989 (#20).
- Benny Begin
Ze'ev Binyamin "Benny" Begin, (Hebrew: זֶאֵב בִּנְיָמִין "בֶּנִי" בֶּגִין, born 1 March 1943) is an Israeli geologist and politician.
- Benny Gantz
Benjamin Gantz (Hebrew: בִּנְיָמִין "בֵּנִי" גַּנְץ; born 9 June 1959) is an Israeli soldier and politician.
- Benny Anders
Benny Michael Anders (born October 3, 1963) is a former star player at the Guy Lewis-coached University of Houston basketball teams during the early 1980s.
- Benny Dayal
Benny Dayal (born 13 May 1984) is an Indian playback singer.
- Benny Blanco
Benjamin Joseph Levin (born March 8, 1988), known professionally as Benny Blanco (stylized as benny blanco), is an American musician, songwriter and record producer.
- Benny Greb
Benny Greb (born 13 June 1980 in Augsburg, Germany) is a prolific German drummer, singer and clinician.
- Benny Prasad
Benny Prasad (born 6 August 1975) is a gospel musician and instrumental guitarist from India. - Benny Snell
Benjamin Snell Jr. (born February 26, 1998) is an American football running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL).
- Benny the Butcher
Jeremie Pennick (born November 27, 1984), known professionally as Benny the Butcher (sometimes stylized as B.E.N.N.Y. the Butcher, or simply Benny), is an American rapper from Buffalo, New York.
- Benny Cristo
Ben da Silva Cristóvão (born 8 June 1987), known professionally as Benny Cristo, is a Czech singer, lyric writer, sportsman and actor.
- Benny Mayengani
Bennet Skheto Baloyi (born 11 January 1978) known by his stage name Benny Mayengani is a South African Xitsonga singer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Benny Numerology: Name Benny has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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