What does the name Beech mean? What is the meaning of the name Beech
Meaning of Beech: Name Beech in the English origin, means A beech tree. Name Beech is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Beech are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Beech (Namesakes)
- Kris Beech
Kristopher Beech (born February 5, 1981) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey centre who played in the National Hockey League (NHL).
- Chris Beech (footballer, born 1974)
Christopher Stephen Beech (born 16 September 1974) is an English former professional footballer and current head coach at Carlisle United.
- Matt Beech
Lucas Matthew Beech (born January 20, 1972) is a professional baseball player.
- Charlie Beech
Charlie Beech (born 21 July 1987 in Stevenage, England) is a rugby union player for Coventry R.F.C. in the RFU Championship.
- Kenny Beech
Kenneth Beech (born 18 March 1958) is an English former footballer.
- Chris Beech (footballer, born 1975)
Christopher Beech (born 5 November 1975) is an English former professional footballer.
- Paul Beech
Paul Beech (born 2 October 1965) is a former English cricketer.
- Patrick Beech
Patrick Beech is a retired Jamaican association football forward who played professionally in Jamaica and the United States.
- Bonnie Beecher
Bonnie Jean Beecher, née Boettcher, and later known as Jahanara Romney, (born April 25, 1941), is an American activist, and retired actress and singer.
- Josh Beech
Joshua Beech (born 26 December 1986) is an English indie rock singer, songwriter, musician, photographer and model.
- Elaine Beech
Elaine H. Beech (born March 16, 1960) is an American politician.
- Terry Beech
Terry Beech (born April 2, 1981) is a Canadian politician who was elected as a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons of Canada to represent the federal electoral district of Burnaby North—Seymour during the 2015 Canadian federal election.
In 1999, Beech, then aged 18, was elected to the Nanaimo City Council, becoming British Columbia's youngest-ever elected official.
- Jono Beech
Jonathon "Jono" Beech (born 9 November 1990) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Beau Beech
Beau Beech (born March 1, 1994) is an American professional basketball player for the Hamburg Towers of the German Basketball Bundesliga league.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Beech Numerology: Name Beech has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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