What does the name Beatriz mean? What is the meaning of the name Beatriz
Meaning of Beatriz: Name Beatriz in the English, Portuguese, Spanish origin, means Brings Joy. Name Beatriz is of English, Portuguese, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Beatriz are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Beatriz (Namesakes)
- Beatriz Montañez
Beatriz Montañez López (born 3 June 1977 in Almadén, Castile-La Mancha) is a Spanish TV presenter and actress.
- Stephanie Beatriz
Stephanie Beatriz Bischoff Alvizuri (born 10 February 1981) is an Argentine-American actress.
- Beatriz Martins
Beatriz Cordeiro Martins (born 15 May 1994) is a Portuguese trampoline gymnast.
- Ana Beatriz Barros
- For the Brazilian racing driver, see Ana Beatriz.
Ana Beatriz Barros El Chiaty (born 29 May 1982) is a Brazilian model, known for her multiple appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and for her work with Intimissimi, GUESS, Bebe, Victoria's Secret, Chanel cosmetics, and Jennifer Lopez's JLO fashion line.
- Beatriz Batarda
Beatriz da Silveira Moreno Batarda (born 1 April 1974) is a British-born Portuguese actress named as one of European films 'Shooting Stars' by European Film Promotion in 1998.
- Ana Beatriz
Ana "Bia" Beatriz Caselato Gomes de Figueiredo, or Bia Figueiredo (born March 18, 1985) is a Brazilian racing driver.
- Beatriz Luengo
Beatriz Luengo González (born 23 December 1982) is a Spanish singer, songwriter, actress, dancer, and entrepreneur.
- Beatriz Carvajal
Beatriz Pla Navarro (Madrid, 24 December 1949) better known as Beatriz Carvajal is a Spanish theatre, television and film actress.
- Beatriz Stix-Brunell
- Beatriz Shantal
Beatriz Shantal is a Mexican actress, singer, and model.
- Beatriz Rosselló
Beatriz Isabel Areizaga Rosselló (born January 4, 1985) is the former First Lady of Puerto Rico and wife of Ricardo Rosselló, the former Governor of Puerto Rico, who resigned office due to the Telegramgate scandal.
- Beatriz Adriana
Beatriz Adriana Flores de Saracho (born March 5, 1958), commonly known as Beatriz Adriana, is a Mexican singer of ranchera.
She has a recognized artistic trajectory in her country of origin.
- Beatriz Gonzalez
Beatriz González (born 1938) is a Colombian painter, sculptor, critic, curator and art historian.
- Beatriz Argimón
Beatriz Argimón Cedeira (born 14 August 1961) is a Uruguayan notary and politician of the National Party (PN) serving as Vice President of Uruguay since March 1, 2020, being the first woman elected to that position.
- Beatriz Mesquita
- Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller
Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller (born 13 January 1969) is a Mexican writer, journalist, researcher, and the wife of the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
- Beatriz Valle
Delia Beatriz Valle Marichal (born 2 November 1966) is a Honduran dentist, diplomat, politician, and television presenter.
- Beatriz Moreno
Beatriz Moreno Braganza (born 20 December 1989) is an Andorran footballer who plays as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Beatriz Numerology: Name Beatriz has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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