What does the name Beaton mean? What is the meaning of the name Beaton
Meaning of Beaton: Name Beaton in the English origin, means From the Warrior's Estate. Name Beaton is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Beaton are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Beaton (Namesakes)
- Steve Beaton
Steve Beaton (born 5 April 1964) is an English professional darts player for the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC).
- Jim Beaton
Chief Superintendent James Wallace Beaton, GC, CVO (born 17 February 1943) is a retired British police officer who was awarded the George Cross, Britain's highest gallantry award for civilians.
- Frank Beaton
Alexander Francis "Seldom" Beaton (born April 28, 1953 in Antigonish, Nova Scotia) is a retired professional ice hockey player who played 25 games in the National Hockey League and 153 games in the World Hockey Association.
- Bruce Beaton
Bruce Beaton (born June 13, 1968 in Port Hood, Nova Scotia) is a former professional Canadian football offensive lineman who played 13 seasons in the Canadian Football League for five different teams.
- Emily Beaton
Emily Beaton (born 9 April 1987) was an Australian netball player in the ANZ Championship, playing for the Adelaide Thunderbirds.
- Georgia Beaton
Georgia Beaton (born 22 June 1990) is an Australian netball player in the ANZ Championship, playing for the Adelaide Thunderbirds.
- Ewan Beaton
Ewan Beaton (born July 13, 1969 in Edmonton, Alberta) is a male judoka from Canada.
- Kate Beaton
Kathryn Moira Beaton (born 8 September 1983) is a Canadian comics artist and the creator of the comic strip Hark!
- Tom Beaton
Thomas Michael Beaton (born 28 November 1990) is an Australian cricketer who has played for Western Australia and the Perth Scorchers domestically.
- John Beaton
- Matthew Beaton
Matthew A. Beaton is an American political figure and business executive.
- John Beaton (Canadian football)
John Beaton (born March 2, 1950) is a former Grey Cup champion defensive back who played eight seasons in the Canadian Football League, winning two Grey Cup Championships.
- Bill Beaton
William Beaton (born 30 September 1935) is a Scottish former footballer who played in the Football League for Aston Villa.
- Ronsford Beaton
Ronsford Rodwick Beaton (born 17 September 1992) is a Guyanese cricketer who plays for the Guyanese national side in West Indian domestic cricket, and also for the Trinbago Knight Riders franchise in the Caribbean Premier League (CPL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Beaton Numerology: Name Beaton has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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