What does the name Beard mean? What is the meaning of the name Beard?
Meaning of Beard: Name Beard in the English origin, means One who has beard. Name Beard is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Beard are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Beard (Namesakes)
- Sugar Lyn Beard
Stephanie Lyn Beard (born August 27, 1981), better known by her stage name Sugar Lyn Beard, is a Canadian-American television actress, voice actress and television and radio personality.
- Alana Beard
Alana Monique Beard (born May 14, 1982) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Amanda Beard
Amanda Ray Beard (born October 29, 1981), also known by her married name Amanda Brown, is an American swimmer and a seven-time Olympic medalist (two gold, four silver, one bronze).
- Mary Beard (classicist)
Dame Winifred Mary Beard, (born 1 January 1955) is an English scholar of Ancient Roman civilization.
- Frank Beard (musician)
Frank Lee Beard (born June 11, 1949) is the drummer in the American rock band ZZ Top.
- Butch Beard
Alfred "Butch" Beard Jr. (born May 5, 1947) is an American former professional basketball player and coach.
- Graeme Beard
Graeme Robert Beard (born 19 August 1950 in Auburn, New South Wales, Australia) is a former Australian cricketer who played in 3 Tests and 2 ODIs from 1980 to 1981.
- Hazel Beard
Hazel Beard (née Fain; born September 16, 1930) is the first woman and the first Republican to have served as mayor of Shreveport, Louisiana, since the era of Reconstruction.
- Matthew Beard (English actor)
Matthew Beard (born 25 March 1989) is an English film and television actor, and model, best known for his role as Blake Morrison in the film And When Did You Last See Your Father? in 2007.
- Kevin Beard
Kevin Leon Beard (born January 20, 1981) is an American football coach and former player who most recently served as the wide receivers coach for University of Tennessee.
- Tanoka Beard
Tanoka Dwight Beard (born September 29, 1971) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Annette Beard
Annette Simmons (born July 4, 1943), formerly known as Annette Beard, is an American R&B and soul singer.
- Henry Beard
Henry Nichols Beard (born June 7, 1945) is an American humorist, one of the founders of the magazine National Lampoon and the author of several best-selling books.
- Dave Beard
Charles David Beard (born October 2, 1959) is a former right-handed pitcher in Major League Baseball for the Oakland Athletics, Seattle Mariners, Chicago Cubs, and Detroit Tigers from 1980 to 1989.
- Celeste Beard
Celeste Beard Johnson (born February 13, 1963), more commonly known as Celeste Beard, is a convicted American murderer who is serving a life sentence at the Christina Melton Crain Unit in Gatesville, Texas for the 1999 murder of her millionaire husband, Steven Beard.
- Stephen Beard
Stephen David T. Beard (born 6 January 1989) is a reality TV participant and actor, playing Archie Carpenter in the Channel 4 soap opera Hollyoaks.
- Jessica Beard
Jessica Beard (born January 8, 1989) is an American sprinter who qualified for the 2009 IAAF World Championships in the 4x400-meter relay and 400 meters.
- Destini Beard
Destini Beard is an American singer and songwriter based out of Pennsylvania.
- Adam Beard
Adam Beard (born 7 January 1996) is a Welsh rugby union player who plays for the Ospreys in the second row.
- Aaron Beard
Aaron Paul Beard (born 15 October 1997) is an English cricketer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Beard Numerology: Name Beard has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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