What does the name Bear mean? What is the meaning of the name Bear
Meaning of Bear: Name Bear in the French, English origin, means Courageous, brave, daring. Name Bear is of French, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bear are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bear (Namesakes)
- Greg Bear
Gregory Dale "Greg" Bear (born August 20, 1951) is an American writer and illustrator best known for science fiction.
- Bear Grylls
Edward Michael Grylls (born 7 June 1974), better known as Bear Grylls, is a British former SAS serviceman, survival instructor, and honorary lieutenant-colonel, and, outside his military career, an adventurer, writer, television presenter and businessman.
- Bear McCreary
Bear McCreary (born February 17, 1979) is an American musician and composer of film, television, and video games scores based in Los Angeles, California.
- Elizabeth Bear
Sarah Bear Elizabeth Wishnevsky (born September 22, 1971) is an American author who works primarily in speculative fiction genres, writing under the name Elizabeth Bear.
- Panda Bear (musician)
Noah Benjamin Lennox (born July 17, 1978), also known by his moniker Panda Bear, is an American musician, singer-songwriter and co-founding member of the experimental pop band Animal Collective.
- Christopher Bear
Christopher Bear (born July 19, 1982) is a drummer and multi-instrumentalist member of the Brooklyn-based indie-rock group Grizzly Bear.
Bear joined the group with singer Ed Droste for contributions on their first record, Horn of Plenty.
- Emily Bear
Emily Jordan Bear (born August 30, 2001) is an American composer, pianist, songwriter and singer who has received notice at an early age.
- Bear Pascoe
McKenna Sean "Bear" Pascoe (born February 23, 1986) is an American football tight end who is currently a free agent.
- Bear Rinehart
William Stanley "Bear" Rinehart III (born September 6, 1980; also known by the stage name Wilder Woods) is an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist who is a founding member and lead singer of the rock band, Needtobreathe.
- Bart the Bear 2
Bart the Bear 2, also called Bart the Bear II, Bart 2, Bart II, or Little Bart (born January 20, 2000) is a male interior Alaskan brown bear actor who has appeared in several Hollywood films and television series, including An Unfinished Life, Into the Wild, We Bought a Zoo, Game of Thrones, and most recently Into the Grizzly Maze.
- Yoav Bear
Yoav Bear (born June 24, 1991 in Haifa) is an Israeli cyclist who last rode for the Cycling Academy.
- Stephen Bear
Stephen Henry Bear (born 15 January 1990) is an English 'reality television personality'.
- Ethan Bear
Ethan Bear (born June 26, 1997) is a Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman currently playing for the Edmonton Oilers in the National Hockey League (NHL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Bear Numerology: Name Bear has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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