What does the name Beale mean? What is the meaning of the name Beale
Meaning of Beale: Name Beale in the American origin, means Handsome, attractive, fine looking. Name Beale is of American origin and is a Boy name. People with name Beale are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Beale (Namesakes)
- Anthony Beale
Anthony A. Beale (born October 22, 1967) is an American politician and the alderman of the 9th ward of the City of Chicago, Illinois United States.
- Simon Russell Beale
Sir Simon Russell Beale, (born 12 January 1961) is an English actor, author and music historian.
Beale has been described by The Independent as "the greatest stage actor of his generation".
- Kurtley Beale
Kurtley Beale (born 6 January 1989) is an Australian professional rugby union representative player who has made over 90 national representative appearances in a ten-year playing career at the world-class level.
- Julian Beale
Julian Howard Beale (born 10 October 1934, in Sydney) is a billionaire and former Australian federal politician.
- Rachel Beale
Rachel Beale (born 9 July 1983 in Gisborne, New Zealand) is a New Zealand netball player.
- Gerard Beale
Gerard Beale (born 18 July 1990) is a New Zealand international rugby league footballer who plays as wing, centre and fullback for the New Zealand Warriors in the NRL.
Beale previously played for the Brisbane Broncos, St George Illawarra Dragons and the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks in the National Rugby League, winning the 2016 NRL Grand Final with the Sharks.
- Peter Beale (British Army officer)
Lieutenant General Sir Peter John Beale, (born 18 March 1934) is a retired senior British Army officer.
- Scott Beale (cultural curator)
Scott Beale (born May 30, 1968 in Dayton, OH) is a New York City based cultural curator, photographer, documentarian and social media expert who founded Laughing Squid, a blog about art, culture and technology and a web hosting company.
- Roger Beale
Roger David Bernard Beale (born 18 December 1946) is a former senior Australian public servant and policymaker.
- Jake Beale
Jake Beale (born October 17, 2001) is a Canadian actor.
- Ross Beale
- Jeremy Beale
Jeremy Beale (born 4 October 1994) is an Australian tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Beale Numerology: Name Beale has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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