What does the name Bayu mean? What is the meaning of the name Bayu
Meaning of Bayu: Name Bayu in the Australian, Indonesian origin, means The Wind. Name Bayu is of Australian, Indonesian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bayu are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bayu (Namesakes)
- Aji Bayu Putra
Aji Bayu Putra (born May 11, 1993) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Persiraja Banda Aceh in the Inodnesian Liga 1.
- Bayu Mulu
Bayu Mulu (Amharic: ባዩ ሙሉ, Arabic: بايومولو, born 24 September 1978 in Ethiopia) is an Ethiopian association football midfielder.
- I Gusti Bayu Sutha
I Gusti Ngurah Bayu Sutha (born 28 May 1977 in Gianyar, Bali) is an Indonesian footballer, he normally plays as a defender for the Indonesia national football team, normally people call him Bayu or Bayu Sutha.
- Bayu Baev
Bayu Baev (Bulgarian: Баю Баев, born 5 January 1941) is a Bulgarian former wrestler who competed in the 1968 Summer Olympics and in the 1972 Summer Olympics.
- Bayu Gatra
Bayu Gatra Sanggiawan (born November 11, 1991) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays for PSM Makassar in the Liga 1 as a winger.
- Ario Bayu
Ario Bayu (born 6 February 1985) is an Indonesian actor.
- Bayu Pradana
Bayu Pradana Andriatmoko (born 19 April 1991) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a defensive midfielder for Barito Putera in the Indonesian Liga 1 and the Indonesia national team.
- Muhammad Bayu Pangisthu
Muhammad Bayu Pangisthu (born 24 February 1996) is an Indonesian badminton player.
- Krisna Bayu
Krisna Bayu (born December 24, 1974 in Jakarta) is an Indonesian judoka, who competed in the men's middleweight category.
- Thomas Ryan Bayu
Thomas Ryan Bayu Hermawan (born 27 July 1991) is an Indonesian professional footballer who currently plays as a goalkeeper for Mitra Kukar in the Liga 1.
- Bayu Nugroho
Bayu Nugroho (born May 11, 1992) is an Indonesian football player who currently plays as a winger for Liga 1 club Persebaya Surabaya.
- Bayu Ayele
Bayu Ayele (born 4 April 1949) is an Ethiopian boxer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Bayu Numerology: Name Bayu has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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