What does the name Batty mean? What is the meaning of the name Batty
Meaning of Batty: Name Batty in the Hebrew origin, means God is my oath. Name Batty is of Hebrew origin and is a Girl name. People with name Batty are usually Judaism by religion.
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Famous people with name Batty (Namesakes)
- Emily Batty
Emily Batty (born June 16, 1988) is a Canadian cross-country mountain biker.
- David Batty
David Batty (born 2 December 1968) is an English retired professional footballer, who played as a defensive midfielder.
- Grant Batty
Grant Bernard Batty (born 31 August 1951 in Greytown, New Zealand) is a former rugby union footballer.
- Jonathan Batty
Jonathan Neil Batty (born 18 April 1974) is an English former first-class cricketer who played for Surrey and Gloucestershire.
- Gareth Batty
Gareth Jon Batty (born 13 October 1977) is an English cricketer who is best known as a spin-bowler.
- Jason Batty
Jason Batty (born 23 March 1971 in Auckland) is a retired New Zealand football goalkeeper.
- Seán Batty
Seán Batty (born 6 May 1982) is a meteorologist, currently working for STV. Before this he was a Broadcast Assistant at the BBC Weather Centre and occasionally presented forecasts in BBC regions.
- Jeremy Batty
Jeremy David Batty (born 15 May 1971) is an English former professional cricketer, who played for Yorkshire and Somerset as a right-handed batsman, and off spin bowler.
- Ross Batty
Ross Batty (born 20 September 1986 in England) a former Barnard Castle School pupil, is an English rugby union player whose primary position is hooker.
- Nathan Batty
Nathan Batty (born 20 May 1982) is a professional rugby league footballer who played in the 2000s.
- Paul Batty
Paul William Batty (born 9 January 1964) is a former professional footballer who made nearly 250 appearances in the Football League.
- Miles Batty
Miles Batty (born 4 June 1987) is a former track athlete who specialized in middle-distance disciplines.
- Michael Batty
Michael Batty CBE, FBA, FRS, FAcSS (born 11 January 1945) is a British urban planner, geographer and spatial data scientist, and a Bartlett Professor of Planning in The Bartlett at University College London .
- Laurence Batty
Laurence William Batty (born 15 February 1964), sometimes known as George Batty, is an English retired football goalkeeper, best remembered for his 9 years in the higher echelons of Non-League football with Woking, for whom he made over 500 appearances for the club and was capped by England at Semi-Pro level.
- Daniel Batty
Daniel Thomas Batty (born 10 December 1997) is an English professional footballer who plays for Championship side Hull City as a midfielder.
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Moola Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Batty Numerology: Name Batty has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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