What does the name Basile mean? What is the meaning of the name Basile
Meaning of Basile: Name Basile in the Polish, French origin, means Royal; Kingly. Name Basile is of Polish, French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Basile are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Basile (Namesakes)
- Fabio Basile
Fabio Basile (born 7 October 1994 in Rivoli) is an Italian judoka.
- Martina Basile
Martina Basile (born 10 October 2002) is an Italian artistic gymnast.
- Alfio Basile
Alfio Basile (born 1 November 1943 in Bahía Blanca), nicknamed Coco, is an Argentine football coach and former player.
- Gianluca Basile
Gianluca Basile (born January 24, 1975) is an Italian former professional basketball player.
- Basile Boli
Basile Boli (born 2 January 1967) is a French former professional footballer who played as a defender, and a current television sports presenter.
- Basile de Carvalho
Basile Salomon Pereira de Carvalho (born 31 October 1981 in Ziguinchor) is a Senegalese-born Bissau-Guinean international footballer.
- Basile Camerling
Basile Camerling (born 29 April 1987) is a French footballer who plays for UN Käerjéng 97 on loan from CS Fola Esch.
- Jules Basile Onambele
Jules Basile Onambele (born April 11, 1982) is a Cameroonian footballers who currently plays in midfielder for Persin Sinjai.
- Basile Aka Kouamé
Basile Aka Kouamé (born 6 April 1963) is an Ivorian former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Anthony Basile
Anthony Saul Basile Delgado (born September 23, 1980 in Panama) is a professional football forward who currently plays for Atlético Nacional.
- Leonardo Basile
Leonardo Basile (born May 12, 1983 in Naples) is an Italian taekwondo practitioner.
- Carlo Basile
Carlo P. Basile (born June 29, 1971) is a former American state legislator serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from 2007–2015.
- Gonzalo Basile
Gonzalo Omar Basile (born March 30, 1974) is an Argentine truckdriver who befriended the syndicalist Hugo Moyano, who is sponsoring his boxing career in the Heavyweight division.
- Tom Basile
Thomas J. Basile (born October 22, 1975) is an American businessman, political writer, and Republican politician in New York.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Basile Numerology: Name Basile has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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