What does the name Bartosz mean? What is the meaning of the name Bartosz
Meaning of Bartosz: Name Bartosz in the Greek, Czech origin, means Son of a Farmer. Name Bartosz is of Greek, Czech origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bartosz are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bartosz (Namesakes)
- Bartosz Fabiński
Bartosz Fabiński (born 26 April 1986) is a Polish mixed martial artist.
- Bartosz Bielenia
Bartosz Bielenia (born 15 May 1992) is a Polish film and theatrical actor.
- Bartosz Białkowski
Bartosz Marek Białkowski (Polish pronunciation: [ˈbartɔʐ bʲawˈkɔfski] (listen); born 6 July 1987) is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Millwall and the Poland national team.
- Bartosz Bosacki
Bartosz Bosacki (born 20 December 1975) is a former Polish footballer who played as a defender.
- Bartosz Domański
Bartosz Domański (born 25 August 1980) is a Polish former competitive figure skater.
- Bartosz Tarachulski
Bartosz Tarachulski (born 14 May 1975 in Gliwice) is a Polish football coach and former professional footballer.
- Bartosz Salamon
Bartosz Salamon (Polish pronunciation: [ˈbartɔʂ saˈlamɔn], born 1 May 1991) is a Polish footballer who plays as a defender for Serie A club SPAL. He is also a Poland international.
- Bartosz Karwan
Bartosz Karwan (born 13 January 1976) is a Polish former footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Bartosz Kurek
Bartosz Kamil Kurek (born 29 August 1988) is a Polish volleyball player, a member of Poland men's national volleyball team and Italian club Vero Volley Monza.
- Bartosz Ława
Bartosz Ława (Polish pronunciation: [ˈbar.tɔʂ ˈwa.va]; born February 26, 1979 in Trzebiatów) is a Polish footballer who plays for Chemik Police.
- Bartosz Rymaniak
Bartosz Rymaniak (born 13 November 1989 in Gostyń) is a Polish footballer who plays for Piast Gliwice as a right back.
- Bartosz Bereszyński
Bartosz Bereszyński (born 12 July 1992) is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a defender for Sampdoria and the Poland national team.
- Bartosz Szeliga
Bartosz Szeliga (born 10 January 1993) is a Polish footballer who plays as a midfielder for GKS Tychy in the I liga.
- Bartosz Zmarzlik
Bartosz Zmarzlik (['bartɔʂ ˈzmarzlik] (listen); born 12 April 1995) is a Polish motorcycle speedway rider and the current World Champion.
- Bartosz Kapustka
Bartosz Kapustka (born 23 December 1996) is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a winger for Leicester City.
- Bartosz Bednorz
Bartosz Bednorz (born 25 July 1994) is a Polish volleyball player, a member of Poland men's national volleyball team and Italian club Leo Shoes Modena, a participant of the Olympic Games (Rio 2016), Polish Champion (2018).
- Bartosz Machaj
Bartosz Machaj (born 30 April 1993) is a Polish footballer who plays as a midfielder for Elana Toruń.
- Bartosz Bida
Bartosz Bida (born 21 February 2001), is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a forward for Jagiellonia Białystok.
- Bartosz Cichocki
Bartosz Jan Cichocki (born 12 August 1976, Warsaw) is a Polish political scientist and historian, since 2019 serving as an ambasador to Ukraine.
- Bartosz Opania
Bartosz Opania (born 12 December 1970, Puławy) is a Polish film, television and theatre actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Bartosz Numerology: Name Bartosz has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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