What does the name Bartolo mean? What is the meaning of the name Bartolo?
Meaning of Bartolo: Name Bartolo in the English origin, means Son of a Farmer; Both Surname and Given Name; Ploughman. Name Bartolo is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Bartolo are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Bartolo (Namesakes)
- Edward J. DeBartolo Jr.
Edward John DeBartolo Jr. (born November 6, 1946) is an American businessman best known for his 23-year ownership of the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL).
- Bartolo Colón
Bartolo Colón (born May 24, 1973), nicknamed "Big Sexy", is a Dominican-American professional baseball pitcher for the Acereros de Monclova of the Mexican League.
- Tiffanie DeBartolo
Tiffanie DeBartolo (born November 27, 1970) is an American novelist, filmmaker, co-founder of the independent record label Bright Antenna, and co-founder of The ShineMaker Foundation.
- Evarist Bartolo
Evarist Bartolo (born 14 October 1952) is a Maltese politician within the Labour Party and he is currently Minister for European & Foreign Affairs.
- Gavin DeBartolo
Gavin DeBartolo (born 29 March 1982) is an Australian born rugby union footballer who played wing for the USA Eagles in six matches during 2008 and early 2009, scoring two tries.
- Daniela Di Bartolo
- Yorman Polas Bartolo
Yorman Polas Bartolo (born 8 August 1985) is a Cuban-German professional basketball player who plays for Telekom Baskets Bonn of the German Basketball League.
- Xavi Bartolo
Xavier "Xavi" Bartolo Moliné (born 7 October 1968) is a Spanish retired footballer who played as a forward, and is a manager.
- Joe Bartolo
Joe Bartolo (born 6 November 1969) is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer who played on the wing for the Parramatta Eels in the 1990s.
- Leanne Bartolo
Leanne Bartolo (born 17 September 1987) is the current WFF European Bikini champion.
- Julián Bartolo
- Pietro Bartolo
Pietro Bartolo (born 10 February 1956 in Lampedusa) is an Italian doctor and politician who was elected as a Member of the European Parliament in 2019 on the Democratic Party list.
He is known to have been, from 1992 to 2019, the responsible medician for first visits to migrants who land in Lampedusa: in 25 years he examined and cared for about 250,000 refugees on the island.
- Nathan DeBartolo
Nathan DeBartolo is an Australian former professional rugby league footballer who played in the 2000s.
- Clayton Bartolo
Clayton Bartolo (born 2 June 1987) is a Maltese Partit Laburista (Labour Party) politician and the Junior Minister for Financial Services and Digital Economy in Prime Minister Robert Abela's cabinet in early 2020.
He was elected as a member of the Parliament of Malta in June 2017.
- Bartolo Ambrosione
Bartolo Ambrosione (born 22 May 1959) is an Italian equestrian.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Bartolo Numerology: Name Bartolo has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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