What does the name Barry mean? What is the meaning of the name Barry
Meaning of Barry: Name Barry in the Irish, Celtic origin, means Celtic - Fair headed; Spear; Mound; Dune German - Brave; A variant of name Bernard. Name Barry is of Irish, Celtic origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Barry: Celtic - Fair headed; Spear; Mound; Dune German - Brave; A variant of name Bernard
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Famous people with name Barry (Namesakes)
- Barry Bonds
Barry Lamar Bonds (born July 24, 1964) is an American former professional baseball left fielder who played 22 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) with the Pittsburgh Pirates and San Francisco Giants.
- Barry Cryer
Barry Charles Cryer, OBE (born 23 March 1935) is an English writer, comedian and actor.
- Barry Zito
Barry William Zito (born May 13, 1978) is an American former professional baseball pitcher and musician.
- Barry Gibb
Sir Barry Alan Crompton Gibb (born 1 September 1946) is a British-American singer, songwriter, musician and record producer who rose to worldwide fame as a co-founder of the group the Bee Gees, one of the most commercially successful groups in the history of popular music.
- Barry Sonnenfeld
Barry Sonnenfeld (born April 1, 1953) is an American filmmaker and television director.
- Rick Barry
Richard Francis Dennis Barry III (born March 28, 1944) is an American retired professional basketball player who played in both the American Basketball Association (ABA) and National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Barry Levinson
Barry Levinson (born April 6, 1942) is an American filmmaker, screenwriter, and actor.
- Barry Humphries
John Barry Humphries, (born 17 February 1934) is an Australian comedian, actor, satirist, artist, and author.
- Barry Manilow
Barry Manilow (born Barry Alan Pincus, June 17, 1943) is an American singer-songwriter, arranger, musician and producer with a career that has spanned more than 50 years.
- Brent Barry
Brent Robert Barry (born December 31, 1971), commonly known by the nickname "Bones", is an American basketball executive, broadcaster and former player.
- Barry Mann
Barry Mann (born Barry Imberman; February 9, 1939) is an American songwriter, and part of a successful songwriting partnership with his wife, Cynthia Weil.
- Barry Diller
Barry Charles Diller (born February 2, 1942) is an American businessman.
- Barry Gordon
Barry Gordon (born December 21, 1948) is an American actor, voice actor, singer and political talk show host.
- Gareth Barry
Gareth Barry (born 23 February 1981) is an English professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for EFL Championship club West Bromwich Albion.
- Barry Hankerson
Barry Hankerson (born August 3, 1947, in Detroit, Michigan) is an American record producer and manager who founded and ran Blackground Records.
- Barry Windham
Barry Clinton Windham (born July 4, 1960) is an American semi-retired professional wrestler and the son of wrestler Blackjack Mulligan.
- Barry Orton
Randal Barry Orton (born May 28, 1958) is an American actor and former professional wrestler.
- Barry Livingston
Barry Gordon Livingston (born December 17, 1953) is an American television and film actor, known for his role as "Ernie Douglas" on the television series My Three Sons (1963–72).
- Barry Jenkins
Barry Jenkins (born November 19, 1979) is an American film director, producer, and screenwriter.
- Barry Keoghan
Barry Keoghan (; born 18 October 1992) is an Irish actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Barry Numerology: Name Barry has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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