What does the name Barney mean? What is the meaning of the name Barney
Meaning of Barney: Name Barney in the English origin, means Derived From Bernard. Name Barney is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Barney are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Barney (Namesakes)
- Matthew Barney
Matthew Barney (born March 25, 1967) is an American contemporary artist and director who works in the fields of sculpture, film, photography and drawing, and whose works explore intertwining connections between geography, biology, geology and mythology, as well as themes of conflict and failure.
- Barney Greenway
Mark Andrew "Barney" Greenway (born 13 July 1969) is a British extreme metal vocalist, who is currently the lead vocalist of Napalm Death, and was formerly a member of Extreme Noise Terror, and Benediction.
Greenway has stated his nickname "Barney" came from a time when he used to drink alcohol.
- Tina Barney
Tina Barney (born October 27, 1945) is an American photographer best known for her large-scale, color portraits of her family and close friends in New York and New England.
- Scott Barney
Scott Barney (born March 27, 1979 in Oshawa, Ontario) is a former Canadian professional ice hockey forward, who played in the National Hockey League with the Los Angeles Kings and Atlanta Thrashers.
- Barney Harwood
Barnaby John "Barney" Harwood (born 7 November 1979) is an English television presenter and actor, known for his work with CBBC beginning in 2002.
- Barney Pityana
Nyameko Barney Pityana FKC GCOB (born 7 August 1945) is a human rights lawyer and theologian in South Africa.
- Barney Bentall
Barnard Franklin "Barney" Bentall (born March 14, 1956 in Toronto) is a Canadian pop/rock singer-songwriter who is most well known for his 1990s-era band, Barney Bentall and the Legendary Hearts.
- Barney Frank
Barnett Frank (born March 31, 1940) is an American former politician.
- Barney Cheng
Barney Cheng (born February 1, 1971) is a Taiwanese-American actor, director, writer and producer.
- Barney Rosenzweig
Barney Rosenzweig (born December 23, 1937) is an American television producer.
- Barney Bowers
Robert Bowers (born 19 August 1959, better known as Barney Bowers) is a former Derby, Cliftonville, Ards and Glentoran F.C. player.
- Darwin Barney
Darwin James Kunane Barney (born November 8, 1985) is an American former professional baseball infielder and current coach.
- Phil Barney
Phil Barney (real name : Philippe Baranés, born February 2, 1957 in Annaba, Algeria) is a French singer-songwriter.
- Matthew Barney (boxer)
Matthew Barney (born 25 June 1974) is a British former professional boxer who competed from 1998 to 2012.
- Barney Gibson
Barney Peter Gibson (born 31 March 1996) is a former English cricketer who played as a wicket-keeper for Yorkshire.
- Barney Howard
- Tarow Barney
Tarow Barney (born June 8, 1994) is an American football defensive tackle who is currently a free agent.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Barney Numerology: Name Barney has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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