What does the name Balfour mean? What is the meaning of the name Balfour?
Meaning of Balfour: Name Balfour in the Celtic origin, means Celtic - Farm Pasture; Balfer and Balfor are variant names. Name Balfour is of Celtic origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Balfour: Celtic - Farm Pasture; Balfer and Balfor are variant names
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Famous people with name Balfour (Namesakes)
- Neil Balfour
Neil Roxburgh Balfour (born 12 August 1944) is a British merchant banker, financier and politician.
- Eric Balfour
Eric Salter Balfour (born April 24, 1977) is an American actor and singer.
- Grant Balfour
Grant Robert Balfour (born 30 December 1977) is an Australian former professional baseball relief pitcher.
- Ngconde Balfour
Ngconde Balfour (born 23 August 1954 in Alice, Eastern Cape) is a South African politician and has served as Minister of Correctional Services and Minister of Sport.
- Kirsty Balfour
Kirsty Balfour (born 21 February 1984), also known by her married name Kirsty Kettles, is a Scottish former competitive swimmer who represented Great Britain in the Olympic Games, FINA world championships and European championships, and competed for Scotland in the Commonwealth Games.
- Micah Balfour
Micah Balfour (born 18 July 1978) is an English actor.
- Jodi Balfour
Jodi Balfour (born 29 October 1987) is a South African film and television actress, known for her role as Gladys Witham in the Canadian television drama series Bomb Girls.
- Jevon Balfour
Jevon Balfour (born December 3, 1994) is a Canadian wrestler.
- Evan Balfour
Evan Balfour (born 9 September 1965) is a Scottish footballer, who played in the Scottish Football League for Airdrieonians and Ayr United.
- Jeremy Balfour
Jeremy Ross Balfour (born 11 March 1967) is a Scottish politician who is a Scottish Conservative and Unionist Member of Scottish Parliament for the Lothian region, elected in the 2016 Scottish Parliament election.
- Anthony Balfour
Anthony Balfour (born 19 December 1949) is a Bahamian athlete.
- Roderick Balfour, 5th Earl of Balfour
Roderick Arthur Francis Balfour, 5th Earl of Balfour (born 9 December 1948), is a British peer and businessman.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Balfour Numerology: Name Balfour has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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