What does the name Bae mean? What is the meaning of the name Bae
Meaning of Bae: Name Bae means A quick and high ranked person. Name Bae is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Bae (Namesakes)
- Han Bo-bae
Han Bo-bae (Hangul: 한보배 born March 4, 1994) is a South Korean actress.
- Choi Bae-young
Choi Bae-young (born January 22, 1991) is a South Korean actress.
- Bae Sung-jae
Bae Sung-jae (born 15 May 1978) is a South Korean television personality, sportscaster, radio DJ and announcer.
- Penny Bae Bridges
Penny Bae Bridges (born July 29, 1990) is an American actress.
- Choi Mu-bae
Choi Mu-Bae (최무배, born June 27, 1970 in Busan), often anglicised to Mu-Bae Choi, is a South Korean former Heavyweight Greco-Roman wrestler and professional mixed martial artist.
- Bae Doona
Bae Doona (Korean: 배두나; Korean pronunciation: [pɛduna]; born October 11, 1979) is a South Korean actress and photographer.
- Bae Seul-ki
Bae Seul-ki (Korean: 배슬기, born September 27, 1986) is a South Korean singer and actress.
- Bae Soo-bin
Bae Soo-bin (born Yoon Tae-wook on December 9, 1976), is a South Korean actor.
- Bae Jong-ok
Bae Jong-ok (born May 13, 1964) is a South Korean actress.
- Bae Yong-joon
Bae Yong-joon (Korean: 배용준; Hanja: 裵勇浚; born August 29, 1972) is a South Korean former actor and businessman.
- Bae Suzy
Bae Su-ji (Korean: 배수지; born October 10, 1994), better known as Suzy, is a South Korean actress and singer.
- Bae Noo-ri
Bae Noo-ri (born 4 February 1993) is a South Korean actress.
- Kenneth Bae
Kenneth Bae (born Pae Jun Ho; born August 1, 1968) is a Korean-American Evangelical Christian Missionary convicted by North Korea on charges of planning to overthrow the North Korean government, including setting up bases in China for the purpose of toppling the North Korean government.
- Bae Woo-hee
Bae Woo-hee (born November 21, 1991), known professionally as Woohee, is a South Korean singer, songwriter and actress.
- Bae Geu-rin
Bae Geu-rin (born January 1, 1989) is a South Korean actress.
- Bae Seong-woo
Bae Seong-woo (born November 21, 1972) is a South Korean actor.
- Bae Jin-young
Bae Jin-young (born May 10, 2000) is a South Korean singer and a member of South Korean boy group CIX. He was a former member of boy group Wanna One after finishing tenth in Produce 101 season 2 and active promotions for two years before the disbandment in January 2019.
- Bae Hyun-sung
Bae Hyun-sung (born May 3, 1999) is a South Korean actor under Awesome ENT. He starred in the Korean web series Love Playlist and the television series Extraordinary You (2019).
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Moola Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Bae Numerology: Name Bae has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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