What does the name Bader mean? What is the meaning of the name Bader
Meaning of Bader: Name Bader in the German origin, means Son of Adam; professional barber. Name Bader is of German origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Bader (Namesakes)
- David Bader (computer scientist)
David A. Bader (born May 4, 1969) is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Institute for Data Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
- Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (, born Joan Ruth Bader; March 15, 1933) is an American lawyer and jurist who is an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Diedrich Bader
Karl Diedrich Bader (born December 24, 1966) is an American actor, voice actor, and comedian.
- Bader Al-Mutawa
Bader Ahmed al-Mutawa (Arabic: بدر أحمد المطوع; born 10 January 1985 in Kuwait City) is a Kuwaiti professional footballer who plays for Qadsia and the Kuwait national team, where he usually operates as a second striker.
- Dewan Bader
Dewan Bader (born April 8, 1971 in Washington, D.C.) is a retired American soccer defender and coach.
- Ryan Bader
Ryan DuWayne Bader (born June 7, 1983) is an American mixed martial artist.
- Beth Bader
Beth Bader (born August 30, 1973) is an American professional golfer who has played on the LPGA Tour.
- Travis Bader
Richard Travis Bader (born July 2, 1991) is an American professional basketball player for Chocolates Trapa Palencia of the LEB Oro.
- Ghaleb Moussa Abdalla Bader
Ghaleb Moussa Abdalla Bader (Arabic: غالب موسى عبد الله بدر; born 22 July 1951) is a Jordanian prelate of the Catholic Church who has been the Apostolic Nuncio to the Dominican Republic and Apostolic Delegate to Puerto Rico since 2017.
- Harrison Bader
Harrison Joseph Bader (born June 3, 1994) is an American professional baseball outfielder for the St.
- Hans-Dieter Bader
Hans-Dieter Bader (born 16 February 1938) is a German operatic tenor.
- Bader Abdulrahman
Bader Abdurahman (Arabic:بدر عبد الرحمن) (born 29 August 1983) is an Emirati footballer.
- Matthias Bader
- Roger Bader
Roger Bader (born 29 September 1964) is a Swiss retired ice hockey player and coach, who coached the Austrian national team at the 2019 IIHF World Championship.
- Bader Saleh
Bader Saleh (Arabic: بدر صالح); born May 4, 1984 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) is a Yemeni comedian.
- Bader Nasser Al-Kharafi
Bader Nasser Al-Kharafi (born 17 August 1977) is a Kuwaiti businessman.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Bader Numerology: Name Bader has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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