What does the name Ayumi mean? What is the meaning of the name Ayumi?
Meaning of Ayumi: Name Ayumi means A who walks their own path. Name Ayumi is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Ayumi (Namesakes)
- Ayumi Hamasaki
Ayumi Hamasaki (浜崎あゆみ, Hamasaki Ayumi, born October 2, 1978) is a Japanese singer, songwriter, record producer, actress, model, spokesperson and entrepreneur.
- Ayumi Ito
Ayumi Ito (伊藤 歩, Itō Ayumi, born April 14, 1980 in Tokyo) is a Japanese actress.
- Prangel
- Ayumi Shibata
Ayumi Shibata (柴田 あゆみ, Shibata Ayumi) (born February 22, 1984) is a Japanese female singer.
- Ayumi Kinoshita
Ayumi Kinoshita (木下 あゆ美, Kinoshita Ayumi, born December 13, 1982 in Chita, Aichi, Japan) is a Japanese actress and voice actress.
- Ayumi Kurihara
Ayumi Kurihara (栗原 亜弓, Kurihara Ayumi, ring name: 栗原 あゆみ) (born July 13, 1984) is a retired joshi puroresu wrestler.
- Ayumi Shigemori
Ayumi Shigemori (茂森 あゆみ, Shigemori Ayumi, born 15 December 1971 in Kumamoto) is a Japanese actress and pop star.
- Ayumi Beppu
Ayumi Beppu (別府 あゆみ, Beppu Ayumi, born June 14, 1983) is a Japanese actress and tarento from Sakai, Osaka Prefecture.
- Ayumi Tsunematsu
Ayumi Tsunematsu (恒松 あゆみ, Tsunematsu Ayumi, born September 26, 1981 in Hyogo) is a Japanese voice actress.
- Okinoumi Ayumi
Okinoumi Ayumi (隠岐の海 歩, Ayumi Okinoumi, born 29 July 1985 as Ayumi Fukuoka) is a sumo wrestler from Okinoshima, Shimane, Japan.
- Ayumi Watase
- Ayumi Goto
Ayumi Goto (後藤 亜由美, Gotō Ayumi, born February 4, 1993 in Ichinomiya, Aichi) is a Japanese figure skater.
- Ayumi Tokitō
Ayumi Tokitō (時任 亜弓, Tokitō Ayumi, born 2 October 1974) is a Japanese actress.
- Ayumi Hara
Ayumi Hara (原 歩, Hara Ayumi, born February 21, 1979) is a former Japanese football player.
- Ayumi Tsuji
Ayumi Tsuji (辻あゆみ, Tsuji Ayumi, born June 18, 1984) is a Japanese voice actress from Ehime Prefecture.
- Ayumi Kataoka
Ayumi Kataoka (片岡 安祐美, Kataoka Ayumi, born 14 November 1986, in Higashi-ku, Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture) is a Japanese female baseball player (infielder) and manager.
- Ayumi Uekusa
Ayumi Uekusa (植草 歩, Uekuza Ayumi, born July 25, 1992) is a Japanese karateka.
- Ayumi Sato
Ayumi Sato (佐藤 あゆみ, Satō Ayumi, born 16 July 1977) is a Japanese ice hockey player.
- Pranjul
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Ayumi Numerology: Name Ayumi has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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