What does the name Aysel mean? What is the meaning of the name Aysel
Meaning of Aysel: Name Aysel means A Stream of moon ; Fortunate. Name Aysel is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Aysel (Namesakes)
- Aysel Teymurzadeh
- For the Azerbaijani singer Aysel Mammadova, see Aisel (singer)
Aysel Teymurzadeh (Azerbaijani: Aysel Məhəmməd qızı Teymurzadə; born 25 April 1989, Baku) is an Azerbaijani pop and R&B singer.
- Aysel Tuğluk
Aysel Tuğluk (pronounced [ajsel ˈtuːɫuk]; born 17 July 1965 in Elâzığ, Turkey) is a Kurdish politician and founding member of the Democratic Society Party (DTP) in Turkey.
- Aysel Taş
Aysel Taş (born 21 October 1964), née Aysel Shevkedova (Bulgarian: Айсел Шевкедова), is a female javelin thrower from Bulgaria with Turkish ethnicity, who competed for Turkey after her emigration.
At the 1983 European Athletics Junior Championships held in Schwechat, Austria, she achieved the 5th rank for her native country with 55.30 m (old javelin weight).
She participated representing Turkey at the 1996 Summer Olympics held in Atlanta, Georgia, USA without advancing to the finals.
- Aysel Nazim
Aysel Nazim (born 18 July 1986) is an Azerbaijani sports journalist.
- Aysel Özgan
Aysel Özgan (born May 5, 1978) is a Turkish female paralympic shooter competing in the pistol events.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Aysel Numerology: Name Aysel has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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