What does the name Ayoub mean? What is the meaning of the name Ayoub
Meaning of Ayoub: Name Ayoub means One who is good in doing job. Name Ayoub is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Ayoub (Namesakes)
- Mouna Ayoub
Mouna Ayoub (Arabic: منى أيوب) (born on 27 February 1957 in Kuwait) is a well-known French socialite and businesswoman of Lebanese origin.
- Ayoub Sørensen
Ayoub Ahmani Sørensen (born 12 April 1988 in Casablanca) is a Danish-Moroccan professional football striker, who plays for amateur-side Værebro Boldklub.
- Ayoub Skouma
Ayoub Skouma (born 22 March 1988 in Casablanca) is a Moroccan footballer who is currently attached to Difaâ El Jadidi.
- Souheil Ayoub
Souheil Ayoub (born 19 February 1936) is a Lebanese fencer.
- Yassin Ayoub
Yassin Ayoub (Arabic: ياسين ايوب; born 6 March 1994) is a Dutch- Moroccan professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Greek club Panathinaikos.
- George Ayoub
George Ayoub (born 23 October 1963) is an Australian professional rugby union referee.
- Ayoub Abdellaoui
Ayoub Abdellaoui (born February 16, 1993 in Reghaïa) is an Algerian footballer who plays for FC Sion.
- Ayoub Azzi
Ayoub Azzi (Arabic: أيوب عزي; born September 14, 1989 in Ouargla) is an Algerian footballer who plays for Umm Salal in the Qatar Stars League.
- Ayoub-Farid Michel Saab
Ayoub-Farid Michel Saab (or just Farid Saab) (born 14 July 1939) is a Lebanese banker.
- Ayoub Mousavi
Seyed Ayoub Mousavi (Persian: سید ایوب موسوی, born April 21, 1995) is an Iranian weightlifter who won a bronze medal at the 2017 World Weightlifting Championships.
- Ayoub El Kaabi
Ayoub El Kaabi (Arabic: أيوب الكعبي; born 25 June 1993) is a Moroccan footballer who currently plays as a forward or winger for Hebei China Fortune and the Morocco national team.
- Samiha Ayoub
Samiha Ayoub is an Egyptian actress known for her work on stage, in film and on television.
- Ayoub Pourtaghi
Ayoub Pourtaghi Ghoushchi (Persian: ایوب پورتقی قوشچی; born 1 January 1973 in Urmia, Iran) is a retired amateur boxer from Iran, who competed in the 1996 Summer Olympics in the Light heavyweight (81 kg) division and lost in the first round to Jean-Louis Mandengue of France.
- Ayoub Boukhari
Ayoub Boukhari (born 6 May 1997) is a Dutch football player of Moroccan descent.
- Ayoub Ouhafsa
Ayoub Ouhafsa (born 14 November 1997) is a French professional footballer who plays as a forward for Rodez.
- Ayoub Ezzaytouni
Ayoub Ezzaytouni (born 12 September 2001) is a French professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Châteauroux in the French Ligue 2.
- Ayoub Assal
Ayoub Assal (born 21 January 2002) is an English professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for AFC Wimbledon.
- Buddhapriya
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Ayoub Numerology: Name Ayoub has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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