What does the name Ayesha mean? What is the meaning of the name Ayesha
Meaning of Ayesha: Name Ayesha in the Arabic origin, means A sensitive human being ; Daughter Of The Prophet. Name Ayesha is of Arabic origin and is a Girl name. People with name Ayesha are usually Muslim, Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Ayesha (Namesakes)
- Ayesha Takia
Ayesha Takia (born 10 April 1986) is an Indian film actress who appeared in Bollywood films.
- Ayesha Dharker
Ayesha Dharker (born on 16 March 1977) is a British actress, known for her appearance as Queen Jamillia, the Queen of Naboo, in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, and for her stage performances.
- Ayesha Jhulka
Ayesha Jhulka (born 28 July 1972) is an Indian film actress who predominantly appears in Hindi films.
- Ayesha Siddiqa
Ayesha Siddiqa (Urdu: عائِشہ صِدّیقہ ), (born April 7, 1966), is a Pakistani political scientist, a political commentator and an author who serves as a research associate at the SOAS South Asia Institute.
- Ayesha Kapur
Ayesha Kapur (born 13 September 1994) is an Indian film child actress who is best known in the Bollywood movie Black.
- Ayesha Sana
Ayesha Sana is a Pakistani performing actress who has appeared in television morning shows, film, television, and theatre performances.
- Ayesha Khan
Ayesha Khan (born 27 September 1982) is a Pakistani former television and film actress.
- Ayesha Omer
Ayesha Omer is a Pakistani actress, model, singer and painter.
- Ayesha Quraishi
Ayesha Quraishi (also known only as Ayesha, born 8 July 1981) is a Motswana-born Swedish performance artist.
- Ayesha Bakhsh
Ayesha Bakhsh عائشہ بخش (born 4 July 1981) is a Pakistani television news anchor and journalist.
- Ayesha Farooq
Flight Lieutenant Ayesha Farooq (Urdu:عائشہ فاروق) (born August 2a Pakistani fighter pilot from Qaimpur, Bahawalpur District, who is the first woman to become fighter pilot in Pakistan Air Force.
- Ayesha Rubina
Ayesha Rubina (عائشہ روبینہ; born 1969) is a corporator of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), educationist, social entrepreneur, social worker and former co-opted member of (GHMC).
- Ayesha Dutt
Ayesha Dutt (born 5 June 1960) is an Indian film producer, and former model and actress.
- Ayesha Curry
Ayesha Disa Curry (née Alexander; born March 23, 1989) is a Canadian-American actress, celebrity cook, cookbook author, and television personality.
- Ayesha Hazarika
- Ayesha A. Malik
Ayesha A. Malik (born 3 June 1966) has been Justice of Lahore High Court since 27 March 2012.
- Ayesha Chundrigar
Ayesha Chundrigar (Urdu: عائشہ چندریگر) is a Pakistani animal rights activist, entrepreneur and journalist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Ayesha Numerology: Name Ayesha has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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