What does the name Aye mean? What is the meaning of the name Aye
Meaning of Aye: Name Aye in the Burmese origin, means Cool. Name Aye is of Burmese origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Aye are usually Buddhist by religion.
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Famous people with name Aye (Namesakes)
- Aye Aye Moe
Aye Aye Moe (born 4 February 1995) is a Burmese women's footballer who was a defender for the Myanmar women's national football team at the 2014 AFC Women's Asian Cup and 2016 AFF Women's Championship.
- David Ayer
David Ayer (born January 18, 1968) is an American film director, producer and screenwriter.
- Maung Aye
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye (Burmese: မောင်အေး [màʊɰ̃ ʔé]; born 25 December 1938) is a Burmese military official who was Vice Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), the ruling military junta of Burma, from 1993 to 2011.
- Sitt Nyein Aye
Sitt Nyein Aye (Burmese: စစ်ငြိမ်းအေး, IPA: [sɪʔ ɲéiɴ ʔé]; born 24 April 1956) is a Burmese artist.
- Aye San
Aye San (born 24 January 1982) is a footballer from Myanmar.
- Mar Mar Aye
Mar Mar Aye (Burmese: မာမာအေး) is a prolific Burmese singer and considered one of the most successful female singers in the history of Burmese classical music.
- Tha Aye
Tha Aye (Burmese: သာအေး) is a former member of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) and former Chief Minister of Sagaing Region.
- Kyaw Aye
Kyaw Aye (born 28 February 1939) is a Burmese former sports shooter.
- Aye Aye Aung (athlete)
Aye Aye Aung (born 19 February 1995) is a female middle-distance runner from Myanmar.
- Aye Maung
Aye Maung (Burmese: အေးမောင် [ʔé màʊɴ]) is a Burmese politician and was the chairman of the Arakan National Party, one of Myanmar's ethnic political parties.
- Sithu Aye
Sithu Aye (born 26 June 1990) is a Scottish-Burmese guitarist, musician, and producer based in Scotland.
- Aye Wutyi Thaung
Aye Wutyi Thaung (Burmese: အေးဝတ်ရည်သောင်း, also known as Aye Thaung; born 27 May 1984) is a Burmese actress, singer and commercial model.
- Aye Zan
Aye Zan (Burmese: အေးဇံ; born 4 April 1954) is a Burmese politician.
- San Aye
San Aye (born 20 June 1954) is a Burmese footballer.
- Pe Aye
Pe Aye (born 10 October 1936) is a Burmese weightlifter.
- Aye Lwin
Aye Lwin (Burmese: အေးလွင် ) is a six-time Burmese national chess championship winner.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Aye Numerology: Name Aye has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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