What does the name Ayaka mean? What is the meaning of the name Ayaka
Meaning of Ayaka: Name Ayaka in the Japanese origin, means A coloured flower; scented. Name Ayaka is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Ayaka (Namesakes)
- Ayaka Komatsu
Ayaka Komatsu (Japanese: 小松 彩夏 Komatsu Ayaka; born 23 July 1986) is a Japanese model, gravure idol and actress.
- Ayaka Saitō
Ayaka Saitō (齋藤 彩夏, Saitō Ayaka, born 2 June 1988) is a Japanese actress and voice actress formerly employed by Vocal before transferring to remax.
- Ayaka Kimura
Ayaka Kimura (木村 絢香,) (born October 30, 1981 in Kobe, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan), currently known by her stage name as Ayaka Nagate (長手 絢香), is an actress currently signed to Tristone Entertainment.
- Ayaka
Ayaka Iida (飯田 絢香, Iida Ayaka, born December 18, 1987), known simply as Ayaka, is a female Japanese singer, songwriter and record producer formerly signed to Warner Music Japan.
- Ayaka Hirahara
Ayaka Hirahara (平原 綾香, Hirahara Ayaka, born May 9, 1984 in Tokyo) is a Japanese pop singer.
- Ayaka Nishiwaki
Ayaka Nishiwaki (西脇 綾香, Nishiwaki Ayaka), nicknamed A~chan (あ~ちゃん, stylized as a-chan), is a Japanese singer and dancer.
- Ayaka Wada
Ayaka Wada (和田 彩花, Wada Ayaka, born 1 August 1994) is a Japanese idol signed to YU-M Entertainment.
- Ayaka Sayama
Ayaka Sayama (佐山 彩香, Sayama Ayaka, born May 17, 1993) is a Japanese gravure idol from Kanagawa Prefecture.
- Ayaka Takahashi
Ayaka Takahashi (高橋 礼華, Takahashi Ayaka, born 19 April 1990) is a Japanese female badminton player who is a doubles specialist.
- Ayaka Sasaki
Ayaka Sasaki (佐々木 彩夏, Sasaki Ayaka, born June 11, 1996 in Kanagawa Prefecture) is a Japanese idol singer.
- Ayaka Ōhashi
Ayaka Ōhashi (大橋 彩香, Ōhashi Ayaka, born September 13, 1994) is a Japanese voice actress and singer from Tokyo.
- Ayaka Miyoshi
Ayaka Miyoshi (三吉彩花, Miyoshi Ayaka, born June 18, 1996) is a Japanese model, actress, and former idol.
- Ayaka Suwa
Ayaka Suwa (諏訪 彩花, Suwa Ayaka, born May 27, 1988 in Nisshin, Aichi Prefecture) is a Japanese voice actress from Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture.
- Ayaka Asai
Ayaka Asai (朝井 彩加, Asai Ayaka, born May 11, 1992) is a Japanese actress and voice actress who is affiliated with Toei Movie Studios.
- Ayaka Fukuhara
Ayaka Fukuhara (福原綾香, Fukuhara Ayaka, born December 31, 1989) is a Japanese voice actress from Kagoshima Prefecture affiliated with the agency VIMS. After aspiring to become a voice actress early in life, she made her acting debut in 2012 as the character Rin Shibuya in The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls franchise.
- Ayaka Imamura
Ayaka Imamura (今村 彩夏, Imamura Ayaka, born August 5, 1993) is a retired Japanese voice actress from Osaka Prefecture.
- Ayaka Kawasaki
- Ayaka Ichinose
Ayaka Ichinose (一ノ瀬 文香, Ichinose Ayaka, born 12 August 1980, in Tochigi Prefecture) is a Japanese gravure idol.
- Ayaka Hironaka
Ayaka Hironaka (弘中 綾香, Hironaka Ayaka, born February 12, 1991 in Kanagawa Prefecture) is a Japanese TV announcer employed by TV Asahi.
- Rose Atima Ayaka
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Krittika Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Ayaka Numerology: Name Ayaka has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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