What does the name Aviv mean? What is the meaning of the name Aviv
Meaning of Aviv: Name Aviv in the Hebrew origin, means They are spring seasoned and young. Name Aviv is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Aviv (Namesakes)
- Aviv Geffen
Aviv Geffen (Hebrew: אביב גפן, born May 10, 1973) is an Israeli rock musician, singer, songwriter, producer, keyboardist, and guitarist and the son of writer and poet Yehonatan Geffen and Nurit Makover, brother of actress Shira Geffen, and an alumnus of Rimon School of Jazz and Contemporary Music.
- Juval Aviv
Juval Aviv (Hebrew: יובל אביב February 24, 1947), also Yuval Aviv, is an Israeli-American security consultant and founder of Interfor International, a corporate investigations firm in New York City.
- Aviv Kochavi
Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi (Hebrew: אביב כוכבי; born 1964) is the Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, having taken the oath of office on January 15, 2019.
- Nurith Aviv
Nurtih Aviv is a French film director and director of photography who was born 11 March 1945, in Tel Aviv (then in Mandatory Palestine).
- Aviv Azaria
Aviv Azaria (Hebrew: אביב עזריה; born November 2, 1991) is an Israeli footballer.
- Aviv Hadad
Aviv Hadad (born 4 February 1984) is an Israeli football player, currently playing for Maccabi Kiryat Ata.
- Aviv Avraham
Aviv Avraham (Hebrew: אביב אברהם; born March 30, 1996) is an Israeli footballer who plays as a midfielder for Maccabi Netanya.
Avraham was born in Afula, Israel, to a Jewish family from Ethiopia.
- Aviv Alush
Avraham Aviv Alush (Hebrew: אברהם אביב אלוש, born JUNE 12, 1982) is an Israeli actor, singer and model best-known for playing Amos Dahari on the hit TV-show Beauty and the Baker (2013-present).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Aviv Numerology: Name Aviv has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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