What does the name Australia mean? What is the meaning of the name Australia
Meaning of Australia: Name Australia in the Latin origin, means A place of blooming waterlilies; wonderful. Name Australia is of Latin origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Australia (Namesakes)
- Governor-General of Australia
The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia is the representative of the Australian monarch, currently Queen Elizabeth II. As the Queen is concurrently the monarch of 15 other Commonwealth realms, and resides in the United Kingdom, she, on the advice of her Australian prime minister, appoints a governor-general to carry out constitutional duties within the Commonwealth of Australia.
- Premier of South Australia
The Premier of South Australia is the head of government in the state of South Australia, Australia.
- Governor of South Australia
The Governor of South Australia is the representative in the Australian state of South Australia of Elizabeth II, Queen of Australia.
- Governor of Western Australia
The Governor of Western Australia is the representative in Western Australia of the Queen of Australia, Elizabeth II. As with the other governors of the Australian states, the Governor of Western Australia performs constitutional, ceremonial and community functions, including:
- presiding over the Executive Council;
- proroguing and dissolving the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council;
- issuing writs for elections; and
- appointing Ministers, Judges, Magistrates and Justices of the Peace.
Furthermore, all Bills passed by the Parliament of Western Australia require the Governor's signature before they become Acts and pass into law.
- Australia national rugby union team
The Australia national rugby union team, nicknamed the Wallabies, is the representative national team in the sport of rugby union for the nation of Australia.
- Australia national rugby league team
The Australian national rugby league team, the Kangaroos, have represented Australia in senior men's rugby league football competition since the establishment of the 'Northern Union game' in Australia in 1908.
- South Australia cricket team
The South Australia cricket team, named West End Redbacks, nicknamed the ’Southern Redbacks’, is an Australian men's professional first class cricket team based in Adelaide, South Australia.
- Australia national soccer team
The Australia national soccer team represents Australia in international men's soccer.
- Australia national under-20 soccer team
The Australia national under-20 soccer team represents Australia in international under-20 soccer.
- Australia national under-23 soccer team
The Australia national under-23 soccer team represents Australia in international under-23 soccer and at the Olympic Games.
- Australia national under-17 soccer team
The Australia national under-17 soccer team represents Australia in men's international under-17 soccer.
- 2013 British and Irish Lions tour to Australia
The 2013 British and Irish Lions tour to Australia was a rugby union tour during June and July 2013.
- Australia women's national soccer team
The Australian women's national soccer team is overseen by the governing body for soccer in Australia, Football Federation Australia (FFA), which is currently a member of the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) and the regional ASEAN Football Federation (AFF) since leaving the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) in 2006.
- Australia women's national under-17 soccer team
The Australian women's national under-17 soccer team represents Australia in international women's under-17 soccer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Australia Numerology: Name Australia has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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