What does the name Augustus mean? What is the meaning of the name Augustus?
Meaning of Augustus: Name Augustus in the Latin, Slavic origin, means Magnificient and splendid. Name Augustus is of Latin, Slavic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Augustus (Namesakes)
- Emanuel Augustus
Emanuel Augustus (born Emanuel Ya'kov Burton, January 2, 1975), is an American former professional boxer out of Brownsville, Texas, known as 'The Drunken Master', who competed from the 1994 to 2011, known for his entertaining boxing style, and frustrating showboating manner designed to confuse opponents in the ring.
- Sherman Augustus
Sherman Augustus (born January 10, 1959) is an American actor.
- Seimone Augustus
Seimone Delicia Augustus (born April 30, 1984) is an American professional women's basketball player with the Los Angeles Sparks of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA), Dynamo Kursk, and the U.S. national team.
- Olutoyin Augustus
Olutoyin "Toyin" Augustus (born 24 December 1979) is a Nigerian hurdler who competes in the 100 metres hurdles.
- Edward M. Augustus Jr.
Edward M. Augustus Jr. is an American politician and administrator who is the City Manager of Worcester, Massachusetts.
- Augustus Prew
Augustus Prew (born 17 September 1987) is an English film and television actor.
- Augustus Parrish
Augustus "Gus" Parrish (born March 19, 1987) is a former American football offensive tackle.
- Kodi Augustus
Kodi Jerome Augustus (born November 2, 1987) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Augustus Maiyo
Augustus Maiyo (born May 10, 1983) is a Kenyan-born American long distance runner.
- Augustus Sol Invictus
Augustus Sol Invictus (Latin: majestic unconquered sun; born Austin Gillespie; July 31, 1983) is an American far-right politician, attorney, and white nationalist who is currently on trial for domestic violence and firearms charges.
- Augustus Kargbo
Augustus Kargbo (born 24 August 1999) is a Sierra Leonean football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Augustus Numerology: Name Augustus has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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