What does the name Augusto mean? What is the meaning of the name Augusto?
Meaning of Augusto: Name Augusto in the Latin, Spanish origin, means Latin - August; Dignifies; Holy; A vairant of name Augustine. Name Augusto is of Latin, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Augusto are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Augusto: Latin - August; Dignifies; Holy; A vairant of name Augustine
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Famous people with name Augusto (Namesakes)
- Leandro Augusto
- Renato Augusto
Renato Soares de Oliveira Augusto, or simply Renato Augusto (Brazilian Portuguese: [ʁeˈnatu awˈɡustu]; born 8 February 1988), is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Chinese club Beijing Guoan and the Brazil national team.
- Augusto Fernández
- Augusto Recife
Augusto Oliveira da Silva (born 3 August 1983 in Joaquim Nabuco), or simply Augusto Recife, is a Brazilian football midfielder who currently plays for Tombense.
- Nick Augusto
Nick Augusto (born August 4, 1986) is an American drummer, best known as the drummer of heavy metal band Trivium, in which he played from 2009 until 2014.
- Raphael Augusto
- Augusto Palacios
Augusto Palacios (born 23 December 1951) is a Peruvian football coach and a former football player.
- Filipe Augusto
Filipe Augusto Carvalho Souza (born 12 August 1993), known as Filipe Augusto, is a Brazilian footballer who plays for Portuguese club Rio Ave F.C. as a defensive midfielder.
- Augusto Loureiro
Augusto Pereira Loureiro (born 30 August 1987), known simply as Augusto, is a Portuguese professional footballer who most recently played for Polish club Śląsk Wrocław as a left back.
- Augusto Montaño
Salvador Augusto Montaño (born October 25, 1984) is a Mexican mixed martial artist who competes in the welterweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.
- Augusto Sakai
Augusto Sakai (born May 19, 1991) is a Japanese-Brazilian mixed martial artist who formerly competed in Bellator MMA who is now currently competing in the Heavyweight division of UFC. As of December 10, 2019, he is #13 in the UFC heavyweight rankings.
- Thiago Augusto
Thiago Augusto Fernandes (born 20 May 1990) is a footballer who plays as a striker for Al-Muharraq.
- Fagio Augusto
Fagio Augusto da Silva Pereira (born 29 April 1997) is a Timorese football player who currently plays as goalkeeper.
- Douglas Augusto
Douglas Augusto Soares Gomes (born 13 January 1997), simply known as Douglas Augusto, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Greek club PAOK.
- Augusto Schuster
Augusto José Schuster Picó or just Augusto Schuster or the mononym Schuster (born 24 August 1992, in Santiago) is a Chilean actor, singer, dancer, model and pelao.
- Pedro Augusto
Pedro Augusto Borges da Costa (born 3 March 1997), better known as just Pedro Augusto, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a midfielder for C.D. Tondela.
- Augusto Aras
Antônio August Brandão de Aras (born 4 December 1958) is a Brazilian attorney, former sub-Prosecutor-General of Brazil, professor in the Law School of University of Brasília (UnB) and current Prosecutor General of Brazil.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Augusto Numerology: Name Augusto has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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