What does the name August mean? What is the meaning of the name August
Meaning of August: Name August in the German, Latin origin, means Name derived from lord Augustus. Name August is of German, Latin origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name August (Namesakes)
- Tyler August
Tyler August (January 26, 1983) is a Wisconsin politician and legislator.
- August Starek
August Starek (born 16 February 1945) is a former international Austrian footballer and football manager.
- Bille August
Bille August RD (born 9 November 1948) is a Danish director, screenwriter, and cinematographer of film and television.
- J. August Richards
Jaime Augusto Richards III (born August 28, 1973), commonly known as J. August Richards, is an American actor.
- Prince Ernst August of Hanover (born 1954)
Ernst August, Prince of Hanover (German: Ernst August Albert Paul Otto Rupprecht Oskar Berthold Friedrich-Ferdinand Christian-Ludwig Prinz von Hannover Herzog zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg Königlicher Prinz von Großbritannien und Irland; born 26 February 1954), is head of the royal House of Hanover which held the thrones of the United Kingdom until 1901, of the former Kingdom of Hanover until 1866, and of the sovereign Duchy of Brunswick from 1913 to 1918.
- August Diehl
August Diehl (born 4 January 1976) is a German actor, primarily known to international audiences for playing Gestapo major Dieter Hellstrom in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds and Michael "Mike" Krause, Evelyn Salt's husband, in the movie Salt.
- John August
John August is an American screenwriter, director, producer, and novelist.
- Pernilla August
Pernilla August (Swedish pronunciation: [pæˈɳɪ̂lːa ˈǎʊɡɵst] (listen); born Mia Pernilla Hertzman-Ericson; 13 February 1958) is a Swedish actress, director and screenwriter.
- August Darnell
Thomas August Darnell Browder (born August 12, 1950), known professionally as August Darnell and under the stage name Kid Creole, is an American musician, singer and songwriter known for co-founding Dr.
- August Busch IV
August Adolphus Busch IV (born June 15, 1964) is an American businessman and former CEO of Anheuser-Busch.
- August Melasz
August Melasz (Born in Surabaya, East Java, November 30, 1951; age 67 years) is an Indonesian film actor active in the Cinema of Indonesia since the mid-1970s.
- Anders August
Anders Frithiof August (born 15 June 1978 in Copenhagen) is a Danish screenwriter, graduated from the National Film School of Denmark in 2007.
- August Makalakalane
Augustine Makalakalane (born 15 September 1963) is a South African former footballer who played at both professional and international levels as a midfielder.
- August Alsina
August Anthony Alsina Jr. (born September 3, 1992) is an American recording artist from New Orleans signed to Def Jam Recordings.
- Santo August
Chresanto August, professionally known as Santo August (previously known as Roc Royal), is an American rapper, dancer, actor, and former member of boy-band, Mindless Behavior.
- August Erlingmark
August Erlingmark (born 22 April 1998) is a Swedish footballer who plays for IFK Göteborg as a midfielder.
- August Getty
August Williams, more commonly known as August Getty, (born June 23, 1994) is an American fashion designer and founder of the fashion brand August Getty Atelier.
- Alba August
Alba Adéle August (born (1993-06-06)6 June 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark) is a Danish-Swedish actress.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name August Numerology: Name August has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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