What does the name Audun mean? What is the meaning of the name Audun?
Meaning of Audun: Name Audun in the Nordic origin, means A person who is a friend of wealth. Name Audun is of Nordic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Audun (Namesakes)
- Audun Kleive
Audun Kleive (born 20 October 1961 in Skien, Norway) is a Norwegian Jazz musician (drums and percussion) and composer.
- Audun Lysbakken
Audun Bjørlo Lysbakken (born 30 September 1977) is a Norwegian politician and the current leader of the Norwegian Socialist Left Party.
- Audun Endestad
Audun Endestad (born January 19, 1953) is a Norwegian-born American cross-country skier, author and field guide.
- Audun Erlien
- Audun Garshol
Audun Egil Garshol (born 9 November 1951) is a Norwegian sprint runner.
- Audun Skorgen
Audun Skorgen (born 26 February 1967) is a Norwegian jazz musician (upright bass and bass guitar).
- Audun Ellingsen
Audun Ellingsen (born 4 January 1979) is a Norwegian jazz musician (Upright bass) known from collaborations within bands like "Sphinx" and with musicians like Frøy Aagre, Erlend Slettevoll and Gisle Torvik.
- Audun Sjøstrand
Audun Sjøstrand (born 11 April 1950) is a Norwegian journalist, teacher and crime fiction writer.
- Audun Fløtten
Audun Brekke Fløtten (born 20 August 1990) is a Norwegian cyclist riding for Uno-X Norwegian Development Team.
- Audun Hadler-Olsen
Audun Hadler-Olsen (born 6 January 1969) is a Norwegian rower.
- Audun Heimdal
Audun Heimdal (born 8 February 1997) is a Norwegian orienteering and ski orienteering competitor.
He won a silver medal in the middle distance at the 2019 World Ski Orienteering Championships.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Audun Numerology: Name Audun has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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