What does the name Attilio mean? What is the meaning of the name Attilio?
Meaning of Attilio: Name Attilio in the Italian origin, means Italian form of a grand Roman style family. Name Attilio is of Italian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Attilio (Namesakes)
- Attilio Maseri
Attilio Maseri (born November 12, 1935) is an Italian cardiologist.
- Attilio Lombardo
Attilio Lombardo (Italian pronunciation: [atˈtiːljo lomˈbardo]; born 6 January 1966) is a retired football player turned manager; he is currently the assistant manager for the Italy national team.
- Attilio Tesser
Attilio Tesser (born 10 June 1958) is an Italian association football manager and former defender who is the current head coach of Pordenone Calcio.
- Attilio Giovannini
Attilio Giovannini (Italian pronunciation: [atˈtiːljo dʒovanˈniːni]; born 30 July 1924) is a retired Italian footballer who played as a defender.
- Attilio Nicodemo
Attilio Nicodemo (born 25 January 1974) is an Italian footballer who plays for Sorrento in Lega Pro Prima Divisione as a midfielder.
- Attilio Cubeddu
Attilio Cubeddu (Italian pronunciation: [atˈtiːljo kuˈbɛddu], Sardinian: [kuˈβeɖːu]; born 2 March 1947) is a criminal from Sardinia who was a member of Anonima sarda, a term used for bandits engaged in various kinds of crime in the island, in particular kidnapping, from the 1960s onward.
- Attilio Calatroni
Attilio Calatroni (born 18 July 1950) is an Italian fencer.
- Attilio Celant
Attilio Celant (Polcenigo, 28 December 1942), 2nd Class / Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, is an Italian economist, geographer and academic.
- Attilio Fontana
Attilio Fontana (born 28 March 1952) is an Italian politician from Varese, Lombardy.
- Attilio Rota
Attilio Rota (born 29 April 1945) is an Italian former professional racing cyclist.
- Attilio Caja
Attilio Caja (born May 20, 1961 in Pavia, Italy) is an Italian professional basketball coach.
- Attilio Lombard
Attilio Lombard (born 7 June 1944) is an Italian cross-country skier.
- Attilio Sorbi
Attilio Sorbi (born 7 February 1959) is an Italian football manager and former player who is currently manager of Inter Women.
- Attilio Viviani
Attilio Viviani (born 18 October 1996 in Oppeano) is an Italian cyclist, who currently rides for UCI WorldTeam Cofidis.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Attilio Numerology: Name Attilio has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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