What does the name Atli mean? What is the meaning of the name Atli?
Meaning of Atli: Name Atli in the Icelandic origin, means Little father. Name Atli is of Icelandic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Atli are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Atli (Namesakes)
- Atli Danielsen
Atli Danielsen (born 15 August 1983) is a Faroese footballer who currently plays for KÍ Klaksvík in the Premier League of the Faroe Islands.
- Atli Örvarsson
Atli Örvarsson (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈaʰtlɪ ˈœrvar̥sɔn]; born 7 July 1970) is an Icelandic film score composer.
- Atli Gregersen
Atli Gregersen (born 15 June 1982) is a Faroese international footballer who plays for Víkingur as a defender.
- Atli Viðar Björnsson
Atli Viðar Björnsson (born 4 January 1980) is an Icelandic retired footballer, who mostly played for FH. Since joining FH in 2001, he played more than 300 matches for the club in all competitions.
- Atli Guðnason
Atli Guðnason (born 28 September 1984) is an Icelandic footballer, currently playing for FH as a winger or a striker.
- Atli Sveinn Þórarinsson
Atli Sveinn Þórarinsson (born 24 January 1980) is a former Icelandic footballer who played as a defender for KA, Valur and Örgryte .
- Atli Einarsson
Atli Stefán Einarsson (born 20 October 1966) is an Icelandic former footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
- Atli Helgason
Atli Guðjón Helgason (born 7 March 1967) is an Icelandic lawyer and former footballer who played three games for the Iceland national football team.
- Atli Knútsson
Atli Knútsson (born 14 March 1975) is an Icelandic former footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Atli Þór Héðinsson
Atli Þór Héðinsson (born 23 September 1953) is an Icelandic former footballer who played as a forward.
- Kjartan Atli Kjartansson
Kjartan Atli Kjartansson (born May 23, 1984) is an Icelandic sports TV and radio show host.
- Finnur Atli Magnússon
Finnur Atli Magnússon (born 14 September 1985) is an Icelandic basketball player and a former member of the Icelandic men's national basketball team.
- Atli Hrafn Andrason
Atli Hrafn Andrason (born 4 January 1999) is an Icelandic football player who currently plays as an midfielder for Víkingur.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Atli Numerology: Name Atli has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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