What does the name Atkin mean? What is the meaning of the name Atkin
Meaning of Atkin: Name Atkin in the British origin, means A British surname. Name Atkin is of British origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Atkin (Namesakes)
- Atkin Kaua
Atkin Kaua (born 4 April 1996) is a Solomon Islands footballer who plays as a midfielder for the Laugu United.
- Pete Atkin
Pete Atkin (born 22 August 1945) is a British singer-songwriter and radio producer notable for his 1970s musical collaborations with Clive James and for producing the BBC Radio 4 series This Sceptred Isle.
- Robin Atkin Downes
Robin Atkin Downes (born 6 September 1976) is an English actor and voice actor, who is primarily known for his work in animation, live-action and video games.
- Paul Atkin
Paul Anthony Atkin (born 3 September 1969 in Nottingham, England) is an English former footballer.
- Stuart Atkin
Stuart Atkin (born 16 May 1957) is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Collingwood in the Victorian Football League (VFL) during the early 1980s.
- Victoria Atkin
Victoria Atkin (born 28 December 1986) is an English actress.
- Chris Atkin
Christopher "Chris" Atkin (born 7 February 1993) is an English professional rugby league footballer who plays as a scrum-half, stand-off or hooker for Salford Red Devils in the Super League.
- Isabel Atkin
Isabel Atkin, or Izzy Atkin (born 21 June 1998), is a British-American freestyle skier who competes internationally for Great Britain.
- Tracey Atkin
Tracey Ann Atkin (born 14 August 1971) is a female retired British swimmer.
- Jen Atkin
Jen Atkin is a hairstylist, entrepreneur, and columnist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Atkin Numerology: Name Atkin has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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