What does the name Atanas mean? What is the meaning of the name Atanas
Meaning of Atanas: Name Atanas in the Bulgarian origin, means A person who is immortal. Name Atanas is of Bulgarian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Atanas (Namesakes)
- Atanas Zhelev
Atanas Zhelev (born 31 January 1938) is a Bulgarian rower.
- Atanas Bornosuzov
Atanas Bornosuzov (Bulgarian: Атанас Борносузов; born 5 October 1979) is a former Bulgarian footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Atanas Nikolov
Atanas Nikolov (Bulgarian: Атанас Николов; born 21 July 1977) is a Bulgarian football manager and former player who manages Bulgarian Third League club Perun Kresna.
- Atanas Golomeev
Atanas Golomeev (Bulgarian: Атанас Голомеев) is a retired Bulgarian professional basketball player and coach.
- Atanas Pashev
Atanas Pashev (Bulgarian: Атанас Пашев; born November 21, 1963) is a former Bulgarian football player who played as a winger.
- Atanas Arshinkov
Atanas Arshinkov (Bulgarian: Атанас Аршинков; born 8 April 1987) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper.
- Atanas Apostolov
Atanas Apostolov (Bulgarian: Атанас Апостолов; born 11 March 1989) is a Bulgarian footballer, currently playing as a winger for Rozova Dolina.
- Atanas Pashkulev
Atanas Pashkulev (Bulgarian: Атанас Пашкулев; born 10 July 1987) is a Bulgarian footballer.
- Atanas Dzhambazki
Atanas Dzhambazki (Bulgarian: Атанас Джамбазки; born 4 April 1969) is a Bulgarian football manager and former player.
- Atanas Ivanov
Atanas Ivanov (Bulgarian: Атанас Иванов; born 5 May 1990) is a Bulgarian footballer who plays as a midfielder.
- Atanas Lyaskov
Atanas Lyaskov (Bulgarian: Атанас Лясков; born 9 July 1979) is a Bulgarian footballer, currently playing for Bansko 1951 as a midfielder.
- Atanas Kolev (rapper)
Atanas Kolev (Bulgarian: Атанас Колев; born 21 December 1996), better known by his stage name Nasko, is a Bulgarian singer and basketball player from the Bulgarian city of Varna. - Atanas Krastev
Atanas Krastev (Bulgarian: Атанас Кръстев; born 1 February 1993) is a Bulgarian footballer, who currently plays as a defender for Arda Kardzhali.
- Atanas Tasholov
Atanas Tasholov (Bulgarian: Атанас Ташолов; born 9 September 1998) is a Bulgarian footballer who currently plays as a defender for Neftochimic Burgas.
- Atanas Skatov
Atanas Georgiev Skatov (Bulgarian: Атанас Георгиев Скатов; born Atanas Georgiev Dimitrov) is a Bulgarian mountaineer, vegan, agronomist in plant protection, entomologist, and ecologist.
- Atanas Hranov
Atanas Hranov (Bulgarian: Атанас Хранов) is a Bulgarian painter and sculptor.
- Atanas Andreev
Atanas Andreev (Bulgarian: Атанас Андреев, born 15 January 1960) is a Bulgarian rower.
- Atanas Sapundzhiev
Atanas Sapundzhiev (born 14 July 1950) is a Bulgarian boxer.
- Atanas Kolarov
Atanas Kolarov (Bulgarian: Атанас Коларов; born 2 March 1934) is Bulgarian chess International Master (1957) and Chess Olympiad team bronze medal winner (1968).
- Atanas Simidchiev
Atanas Simidchiev (Bulgarian: Атанас Симидчиев, born 13 April 1963) is a Bulgarian cross-country skier.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Atanas Numerology: Name Atanas has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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