What does the name Astrid mean? What is the meaning of the name Astrid?
Meaning of Astrid: Name Astrid in the Norse, Scandinavian origin, means A Girl who is divinely beautiful. Name Astrid is of Norse, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Astrid (Namesakes)
- Astrid North
Astrid North (Astrid Karina North Radmann; 24 August 1973, Berlin – 25 June 2019, Berlin) was a German soul singer and songwriter.
- Astrid Kirchherr
Astrid Kirchherr (born 20 May 1938) is a German photographer and artist and is well known for her association with the Beatles (along with her friends Klaus Voormann and Jürgen Vollmer), and her photographs of the band's original members – John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best – during their early days in Hamburg.
- Princess Astrid of Belgium
Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este (born 5 June 1962), is the second child and first daughter of King Albert II and Queen Paola, and younger sister to the current Belgian monarch, King Philippe.
- Princess Astrid, Mrs. Ferner
Princess Astrid, Mrs.
- Archduchess Marie Astrid of Austria
Archduchess Marie Astrid of Austria (née Princess Marie Astrid of Luxembourg; born 17 February 1954 at Castle Betzdorf) is the elder daughter and eldest child of Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg and Joséphine-Charlotte of Belgium, and the wife of Archduke Carl Christian of Austria.
- Astrid Carolina Herrera
Astrid Carolina Herrera (Spanish pronunciation: [as.ˈtri.d ka.ɾoˈli.na eˈreɾa] ;born 23 June 1964 in Caracas, Venezuela) is a Venezuelan actress and beauty queen.
- Astrid Young
Vendela Astrid Young (born August 16, 1962) is a Canadian singer/songwriter.
- Astrid Radjenovic
Astrid Loch-Wilkinson (born 14 September 1982), also known as Astrid Radjenovic, is an Australian bobsledder who has competed since 2003.
- Astrid Bryan
Astrid Coppens (born 25 January 1983) is a Flemish Belgian model, actress, television personality, creative director.
- Astrid Guyart
Astrid Guyart (born 17 March 1983) is a French female fencer, author, and aerospace engineer.
- Astrid Gassner
Astrid Gassner (born 30 October 1995) is an Austrian professional racing cyclist.
- Astrid S
Astrid Smeplass (born 29 October 1996) is a Norwegian singer and songwriter.
- Astrid Båhl
Astrid Båhl (born Astrid Margarete Bål; 6 June 1959) is a Norwegian Sámi artist.
- Astrid Joosten
Astrid Maria Bernadette Joosten is a Dutch television personality and presenter.
- Astrid Blomberg
Astrid Elisabet Blomberg (born December 2, 1937) is a Swedish female curler.
- Astrid Whettnall
Astrid Whettnall (born 17 March 1971) is a Belgian stage and film actress.
- Astrid Fina
Astrid Fina Paredes (born 16 October 1983 in Barcelona) is a Spanish Paralympic snowboarder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Astrid Numerology: Name Astrid has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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