What does the name Assad mean? What is the meaning of the name Assad
Meaning of Assad: Name Assad in the Arabic origin, means A group of animal names meaning lion. Name Assad is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Assad (Namesakes)
- Bashar al-Assad
Bashar Hafez al-Assad (Arabic: بشار حافظ الأسد Baššār Ḥāfiẓ al-ʾAsad, Levantine pronunciation: [baʃˈʃaːr ˈħaːfezˤ elˈʔasad]; English pronunciation ; born 11 September 1965) is a Syrian politician who has been the President of Syria since 17 July 2000.
- Mark Assad
Mark Joseph Assad (born June 14, 1940) is a Canadian politician who is a member of the Liberal Party of Canada.
- Rifaat al-Assad
Rifaat Ali al-Assad (Arabic: رفعت علي الأسد; born 22 August 1937) is the younger brother of the former President of Syria, Hafez Assad and Jamil Assad, and the uncle of the incumbent President Bashar al-Assad.
- Maher al-Assad
Maher al-Assad (Arabic: ماهر الأسد, born 8 December 1967) is a Syrian general and commander of the Republican Guard and the army's elite Fourth Armoured Division, which together with Syria's secret police form the core of the country's security forces.
- Hany Abu-Assad
Hany Abu-Assad (Arabic: هاني أبو أسعد; born 11 October 1961) is a Dutch-Palestinian-Israeli film director.
- Sérgio Assad
Sérgio Assad (born 26 December 1952) is a Brazilian guitarist, composer, and arranger who often performs with his brother, Odair Assad in the guitar duo Sérgio and Odair Assad, commonly referred to as Assad Brothers or Duo Assad.
- Asma al-Assad
Asma al-Assad (Arabic: أسماء الأسد, Levantine pronunciation: [asˈmaː elˈasad]; née Akhras, Arabic: أسماء فواز الأخرس: [ˈasma fawˈwaːz elˈʔaxras]; born 11 August 1975) is the First Lady of Syria.
- Salah Assad
Salah Assad (Arabic: صالح عصاد; born 10 June 1958 in Larbaâ Nath Irathen) is a former Algerian football striker and manager.
- Badi Assad
Badi Assad (born 23 December 1966) is a Brazilian singer, songwriter, percussionist, and guitarist in the jazz and worldbeat genres.
- Clarice Assad
Clarice Assad is a Brazilian-American composer, pianist, arranger and singer from Rio de Janeiro.
- Bushra al-Assad
Bushra al-Assad (Arabic: بشرى الأسد) (born 24 October 1960) is the first child and only daughter of Hafez al-Assad, who was the president of Syria from 1971 to 2000.
- Assad Assad
Assad Assad (Arabic: أسعد أسعد, Hebrew: אסעד אסעד; born 10 February 1944) is an Israeli Druze former officer, diplomat and politician who served as a member of the Knesset for Likud between 1992 and 1996.
- Assad Abdul Ghanee
Assad Abdul Ghanee (born 2 January 1976) is a Maldivian international footballer.
- DJ Assad
Adam Ashadally (born 14 December 1982), better known by his stage name DJ Assad, is a Mauritian-French disc jockey and record producer.
- Assad Vala
Assad Vala (born 5 August 1987) is a Papua New Guinean cricketer and the captain of the national side.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Assad Numerology: Name Assad has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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