What does the name Asim mean? What is the meaning of the name Asim
Meaning of Asim: Name Asim in the Arabic origin, means One who is protector and the guardian. Name Asim is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Asim are usually Muslim by religion.
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Famous people with name Asim (Namesakes)
- Asim Saeed
Asim Saeed (born October 5, 1979 in Al-Ain) is a United Arab Emirates cricketer.
- Asim Kamal
Mohammad Asim Kamal (born 31 May 1976 in Karachi) is a Test cricketer for the national team of Pakistan who scored 99 against South Africa on his Test debut.
Kamal has played 12 Tests (20 innings) since his debut.
- Asim Khan (cricketer)
Asim Khan (Urdu: عاصم خان; born 14 February 1962 in Lahore, Pakistan) is a former Dutch cricket player.
- Asim Šehić
Asim Šehić (born 16 June 1981) is a Bosnian-Herzegovinian footballer, last playing in Saudi Arabia for Al-Faisaly.
- Asim Hassan
- Asim Dasgupta
Asim Kumar Dasgupta (born 30 October 1945) is an Indian economist and politician.
- Asim Mukhopadhyay
Asim Mukhopadhyay (Bengali: অসীম মুখোপাধ্যায়, also known as Asim Mukherjee Bengali: অসীম মুখার্জি) is a famous figure in the history of mountaineering in West Bengal, India.
- Asim Munir (cricketer)
Asim Munir Butt (born 24 October 1982) is a former Pakistani cricketer.
- Asim Ghosh
Asim Ghosh (born December 7, 1947) is the former President and CEO of Husky Energy, one of Canada's largest integrated energy companies.
- Asim Shahmalak
Dr Asim Shahmalak (born 2 April 1961) is a British hair transplant surgeon, broadcaster, and proponent of such surgery.
- Asim Hussain
Asim Hussain, SI, HI (born 28 November 1953) is active in the fields of health, education, and Pakistani politics.
- Asim Ahmed Khan
Asim Ahmed Khan is an Indian politician (Delhi State), who was the minister of Food and Civil Supply, Environment and Forest, Minority Affairs and Election in the Delhi government.
- Asim Duttaroy
Asim K. Duttaroy is an Indian born American medical scientist who, since 2001, works as a Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway.
- Asim Ali
Asim Ali (born 18 February 1996) is a Pakistani cricketer.
- Asim Ademov
Asim Ahmed Ademov (Bulgarian: Асим Ахмед Адемов, born 3 December 1968) is a Bulgarian politician who has served as a Member of the European Parliament since 2017.
- Asim Azhar
Asim Azhar (Urdu: عاصم اظہر) is a Pakistani singer, songwriter, and actor.He started his career as a singer on YouTube, re-singing contemporary Western songs before he became a public figure.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Asim Numerology: Name Asim has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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