What does the name Ashworth mean? What is the meaning of the name Ashworth
Meaning of Ashworth: Name Ashworth in the English origin, means An Ash tree; a settlement; enduring being. Name Ashworth is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ashworth: An Ash tree; a settlement; enduring being
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Famous people with name Ashworth (Namesakes)
- Dan Ashworth
Dan Ashworth is an English former professional footballer, who began his career at Norwich City.
- Richard Ashworth
Richard James Ashworth (born 17 September 1947 in Folkestone) is a former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for South East England for Change UK. He formerly sat in the European Parliament for the Conservative Party, and was that Party's leader there from March 2012 to November 2013.
- Tom Ashworth
Thomas F. Ashworth (born October 10, 1977 in Denver, Colorado) is a former American football offensive tackle.
- Ricky Ashworth
Richard David Ashworth (born 17 August 1982 in Salford, England) is a former professional speedway rider who has represented Great Britain.
- Dicken Ashworth
Dicken Ashworth (born 18 July 1946) is an English actor.
- Philip Ashworth
Phil Ashworth (born 14 April 1953) is an English former professional footballer who played as a striker.
- Luke Ashworth
Luke Alexander Ashworth (born 4 December 1989) is an English footballer who plays as a centre-back for Ashton United.
- Barry Ashworth
Barry Ashworth (born 18 August 1942) is an English former footballer.
- Chris Ashworth
Christopher Michael Ashworth (born March 13, 1975 in Farmville, Virginia), better known as simply Chris Ashworth, is an American actor, perhaps best known for his portrayal of Sergei Malatov on The Wire.
- Katy Ashworth
Katy Ashworth (born 2 August 1986), is a British actress, television presenter and singer who is known for presenting children's television programmes.
- Donald Ashworth
Donald William Ashworth (born March 16, 1931) is a musician who was a member of The Tonight Show Band for thirty years before retiring in 1995.
- Jonathan Ashworth
Jonathan Michael Graham Ashworth (born 14 October 1978) is a British Labour Party politician who has served as Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care since 2016 and Member of Parliament (MP) for Leicester South since 2011.
- Paul Ashworth
Paul Ashworth (born 29 September 1969) is a former English footballer and manager, and current executive director of FC Astana.
- John Ashworth (rugby union)
John Colin Ashworth (born 15 October 1949) is a New Zealand former rugby union player.
- Barry Ashworth (rugby union)
Barry Graeme Ashworth (born 23 September 1949) is a former New Zealand rugby union player.
- Jack Ashworth
Jack Ashworth (born 3 July 1995) is an English professional rugby league footballer who plays as a Prop Forward for St Helens in the Super League and the England Knights at international level.
He has spent time on loan from Saints at the Rochdale Hornets in the Championship 1, and the Sheffield Eagles and the Leigh Centurions in the Betfred Championship.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Ashworth Numerology: Name Ashworth has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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