What does the name Asher mean? What is the meaning of the name Asher
Meaning of Asher: Name Asher in the Hebrew origin, means Blessed, happy; fortunate and blessed individual. Name Asher is of Hebrew origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Asher (Namesakes)
- Jay Asher
Jay Asher (born September 30, 1975) is an American writer and novelist.
- Asher Roth
Asher Paul Roth (born August 11, 1985) is an American rapper.
- Asher Edelman
Asher Barry Edelman (born November 26, 1939) is an American financier.
- Victoria Asher
Victoria Jane Asher, also known as Vicky-T (born January 20, 1988), is an American musician.
- Jane Asher
Jane Asher (born 5 April 1946) is an English actress, author and entrepreneur who achieved early fame as a child actress and has worked extensively in film and TV throughout her career.
- Neal Asher
Neal Asher (born 4 February 1961) is an English science fiction writer.
- Peter Asher
Peter Asher, CBE (born 22 June 1944) is a British guitarist, singer, manager and record producer.
- John Asher
John Mallory Asher (born January 13, 1971) is an American actor, film director and screenwriter.
- Tony Asher
Anthony D. Asher (born May 2, 1939) is an English-American jingle writer and lyricist who collaborated with Brian Wilson in the co-writing of eight songs on the Beach Boys 1966 album Pet Sounds, including the singles "God Only Knows", "Wouldn't It Be Nice", and "Caroline, No".
- Asher Keddie
Asher Keddie (born 31 July 1974) is an Australian actress.
- Asher Monroe
Asher Monroe Book (born September 18, 1988), known professionally as Asher Monroe, is an American singer-songwriter, dancer, and actor.
- Asher Clark
Asher Clark (born February 11, 1990) is an American former college football running back for the Air Force Academy football program.
- Asher Levine
Asher Levine (born March 12, 1988) is an American fashion designer.
- Dina Asher-Smith
Dina Asher-Smith (/ˈdiːnæ ˈæʃɜ smɪθ/) (born 4 December 1995) is a British sprinter.
- Zain Asher
Zain Ejiofor Asher (born 27 August 1983) is a British Nigerian news anchor at CNN International who is based in New York City.
- Alec Asher
Alec Edward Asher (born October 4, 1991) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Minnesota Twins organization.
- Asher Blinkoff
Asher Blinkoff (born November 23, 2008) is an American child actor and voice actor, best known for his role as Dennis in the Hotel Transylvania film franchise for Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation.
- Asher Angel
Asher Dov Angel (born September 6, 2002) is an American actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Asher Numerology: Name Asher has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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