What does the name Asami mean? What is the meaning of the name Asami
Meaning of Asami: Name Asami in the Japanese origin, means Morning beauty. Name Asami is of Japanese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Asami (Namesakes)
- Asami Konno
Asami Konno (紺野 あさ美, Konno Asami), born May 7, 1987, is a former television presenter at TV Tokyo.
- Asami Abe
Asami Abe (安倍 麻美, Abe Asami, born February 27, 1985 in Muroran, Hokkaidō) is a Japanese former singer and actress, also known as the younger sister of Japanese idol and actress Natsumi Abe.
- Asami Sanada
Asami Sanada (真田 アサミ, Sanada Asami, born September 8, 1977) is a Japanese actress and voice actress.
- Asami Jō
Asami Jō (城麻美, Jō Asami, born September 15, 1975), also spelled Asami Joh, is a Japanese actress and former AV Idol from Tokyo.
- Asami Kai
Asami Kai (甲斐 麻美/かい あさみ) (born January 9, 1987 in Kumamoto) is a Japanese actress & gravure idol.
- Asami Imajuku
Asami Imajuku (今宿麻美) is a Japanese fashion model, an actress, and singer.
- Asami Shimoda
Asami Shimoda (下田 麻美, Shimoda Asami, born January 30, 1986 in Tottori Prefecture) is a Japanese actress, voice actress and singer.
- Asami Mizukawa
Asami Mizukawa (水川 あさみ, Mizukawa Asami, born July 24, 1983 in Kyoto Prefecture) is a Japanese actress.
- Yuma Asami
Yuma Asami (Japanese: 麻美 ゆま, Hepburn: Asami Yuma) is a Japanese actress, singer and a former adult video (AV) actress and model.
- Asami Kitagawa
Asami Kitagawa (北川 麻美, Kitagawa Asami) (born October 3, 1987 in Iwatsuki-ku, Saitama) is a Japanese Olympic and Nation Record holding swimmer.
- Asami Sugiura
Asami Sugiura (Japanese: 杉浦 亜紗美, Hepburn: Sugiura Asami), who, in the early part of her career performed under the name Asami (亜紗美), is a Japanese actress, model, former gravure idol and AV idol.
- Asami Imai
Asami Imai (今井 麻美, Imai Asami, born May 16, 1977 in Tokyo) is a Japanese voice actress and singer affiliated with Early Wing.
- Asami Setō
Asami Seto (瀬戸 麻沙美, Seto Asami, born April 2, 1993) is a Japanese voice actress affiliated with Sigma Seven.
- Mina Asami
Mina Asami (浅見 美那, Asami Mina, born December 2, 1958 in Saitama) is a Japanese TV actress and former pink film actress.
- Asami Tada
Asami Tada (多田 あさみ, Tada Asami, born September 27, 1988, in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan) is a Japanese gravure idol who is affiliated with Asche.
- Reina Asami
Reina Asami (浅見 れいな, Asami Reina, born June 7, 1983, in Higashimurayama, Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress and model who is affiliated with LesPros Entertainment.
- Asami Hirono
Asami Hirono (広野 あさみ, Hirono Asami, born 8 November 1990) is a Japanese snowboarder who competes internationally.
- Asami Tano
Asami Tano (田野 アサミ, Tano Asami, born February 12, 1987) is a Japanese actress and voice actress from Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Asami Numerology: Name Asami has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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