What does the name Arto mean? What is the meaning of the name Arto
Meaning of Arto: Name Arto in the Finnish, Celtic origin, means Celtic - Stone, Bear; Germanic - Thor, The Eagle; A variant of name Arthur. Name Arto is of Finnish, Celtic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Arto are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Arto (Namesakes)
- Arto Saari
- Arto Laatikainen
Arto Laatikainen (born May 24, 1980) is a Finnish professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Arto Lindsay
Arthur Morgan "Arto" Lindsay (born May 28, 1953) is an American guitarist, singer, record producer and experimental composer.
He has a distinctive soft voice and an often noisy, self-taught guitar style consisting almost entirely of extended techniques, described by Brian Olewnick as "studiedly naïve ...
- Arto Tunçboyacıyan
Arto Tunçboyacıyan (Armenian: Արթօ Թունջպոյաջեան; born 4 August 1957) is a US-based avant-garde folk and jazz multi-instrumentalist and singer of Armenian-Turkish descent.
- Arto Noras
Arto Noras (born 12 May 1942, in Turku) is a Finnish cellist who is one of Finland's most celebrated instrumentalists and amongst the most outstanding internationally acknowledged cellists of his generation.
At the age of 8, Arto Noras started his studies at the prestigious Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland.
- Arto Koivisto
Arto Ilmari Koivisto (born 7 December 1948 in Isojoki) is a Finnish former cross-country skier who competed in the 1970s.
- Arto Tukio
Arto Tukio (born April 4, 1981) is a Finnish professional ice hockey defenceman, currently playing for Ilves in the SM-liiga.
- Arto Ruotanen
Arto Sakari Ruotanen (born April 11, 1961 in Pyhäjärvi, Finland) is a retired professional ice hockey defenceplayer who played in the SM-liiga.
- Arto Salomaa
Arto K. Salomaa (born 6 June 1934) is a Finnish mathematician and computer scientist.
- Arto Sirviö
Arto Tapio Ilmari Sirviö (born January 6, 1962) is a retired professional Finnish ice hockey player.
- Arto Blomsten
Arto Tapio Blomsten (born March 16, 1965 in Vaasa, Finland) is a Swedish former professional ice hockey defenceman.
- Arto Aas
Arto Aas (born 9 June 1980) is an Estonian politician who has been the Minister of Public Administration since 2015.
- Arto Savolainen
Arto Savolainen (born 3 February 1941) is a Finnish wrestler.
- Arto Sutinen
Arto Sutinen (born 10 March 1954) is a Finnish biathlete.
- Arto Jääskeläinen
Arto Jääskeläinen (born 9 October 1960) is a Finnish biathlete.
- Arto Heiskanen
Arto Heiskanen (born November 23, 1963) is a Finnish former professional ice hockey left winger.
- Arto Savonen
Arto Savonen (born 30 September 1960) is a Finnish weightlifter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Arto Numerology: Name Arto has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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