What does the name Arne mean? What is the meaning of the name Arne?
Meaning of Arne: Name Arne in the Danish, Dutch, Scandinavian origin, means Powerful ruler like an eagle; stable person. Name Arne is of Danish, Dutch, Scandinavian origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Arne (Namesakes)
- Arne Toonen
Arne Toonen (born 9 January 1975) is a Dutch film director.
- John Arne Riise
John Arne Semundseth Riise (born 24 September 1980) is a Norwegian former professional footballer who played as a left back and a left midfielder.
- Arne Carlson
Arne Helge Carlson (born September 24, 1934) is an American politician who served as the 37th Governor of Minnesota.
- Arne Friedrich
Arne Friedrich (German pronunciation: [ˈaɐ̯nə ˈfʁiːdʁɪç]) (born 29 May 1979) is a German football coach and former football defender.
- Arne Scheie
Arne Scheie (born 7 January 1944) is a Norwegian sports commentator, with football and ski jumping as his specialties.
- Arne Slot
Arnold Martijn Slot (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɑrnə ˈslɔt]; born 17 September 1978) is a Dutch professional football manager and former player who played as midfielder for PEC Zwolle, NAC Breda and Sparta Rotterdam.
- Arne Quinze
Arne Quinze (born 15 December 1971) is a Belgian conceptual artist best known for his unconventional and controversial public art installations.
- Arne Glimcher
Arnold "Arne" Glimcher (born March 12, 1938) is an American art dealer, film producer and director.
- Arne Kroták
Arne Kroták (born June 6, 1972) is a Czech-born Slovak former professional ice hockey left winger.
- Arne Bystøl
Arne Bystøl (born 6 May 1951) is a Norwegian Nordic combined skier.
- Arne Naudts
Arne Naudts (born 27 November 1993) is a Belgian professional football player.
- Arne Sorenson
Arne Morris Sorenson (born October 13, 1958) is an American hotel executive.
- Arne Hegerfors
Olof Arne Hegerfors (born 4 July 1942) is a Swedish sports journalist and television presenter.
- Arne Orrgård
Arne Orrgård (born 21 September 1943) is a Swedish former sports shooter.
- Arne Sicker
- Arne Maier
- Arne Gericke
Arne Gericke (born 19 November 1964 in Hamburg) is a German politician who was formerly a Member of the European Parliament.
- Arne Senstad
Arne Senstad (born 8 August 1969) is a professional Norwegian handball coach for the Polish women's national team.
- Arne Cassaert
Arne Cassaert (born 20 November 2000) is a Belgian professional footballer who plays for Cercle Brugge as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Arne Numerology: Name Arne has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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