What does the name Arlene mean? What is the meaning of the name Arlene
Meaning of Arlene: Name Arlene in the Celtic origin, means Oath; pledge; one who is like the oath of God. Name Arlene is of Celtic origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Arlene (Namesakes)
- Arlene Dahl
Arlene Carol Dahl (born August 11, 1925) is an American retired actress and former Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer contract star, who achieved notability during the 1950s.
- Arlene Phillips
Arlene Phillips, CBE (born 22 May 1943) is an English choreographer, theatre director, talent scout, television judge and presenter, and former dancer, who has worked in many fields of entertainment.
- Arlene Klasky
Arlene Klasky Csupo (born November 27, 1949) is an American animator, graphic designer, producer and co-founder of Klasky Csupo with Gábor Csupó.
- Arlene Foster
Arlene Isabel Foster PC (née Kelly; born 3 July 1970) is a Northern Irish politician serving as First Minister of Northern Ireland since January 2020, and previously from 2016 to 2017.
- Arlene Golonka
Arlene Leanore Golonka (born January 23, 1936) is an American actress.
- Arlene Howell
Arlene Howell (born Eurlyne Howell, October 25, 1939) is a former American television actress from northern Louisiana who won the title of Miss USA of 1958.
- Arlene Alda
Arlene Alda is an American musician, photographer and writer.
- Arlene Blum
Arlene Blum (born March 1, 1945) is an American mountaineer, writer, and environmental health scientist.
- Arlene Dickinson
Arlene Dickinson (born October 8, 1956) is a Canadian businesswoman, investor, author, and television personality.
- Arlene Stevens
Arlene Stevens (born February 20, 1981) is a retired American epee fencer.
- Arlene Becker
Arlene A. Becker is a Democratic Party former member of the Montana House of Representatives, representing District 52 from 2002.
- Arlene Setzer
Arlene Setzer (born March 2, 1952) is a former Republican member of the Ohio House of Representatives, who represented the 36th District from 2001 to 2008.
- Arlene Limas
Arlene Limas (born February 9, 1966) is an American taekwondo practitioner and multiple international gold medalist.
- Arlene Singer
Arlene Singer (born October 10, 1948) is a current Judge of the Ohio Sixth District Court of Appeals.
- Arlene Harden
Ava "Arlene" Harden (born March 1, 1945 in England, Arkansas) is an American country music singer.
- Arlene Kotil
Arlene Kotil (born May 22, 1934) is a former infielder who played in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.
- Arlene Blencowe
Arlene Blencowe (born 11 April 1983) is a mixed martial artist and boxer whom was one of the first Australian female Mixed Martial Artists to compete in the Bellator.
- Arlene Ham
Arlene H. Ham-Burr (born August 1, 1936) is an American former politician.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Arlene Numerology: Name Arlene has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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