What does the name Arias mean? What is the meaning of the name Arias
Meaning of Arias: Name Arias means The handsome one. Name Arias is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Arias (Namesakes)
- Óscar Arias
Óscar Arias Sánchez (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈoskaɾ ˈaɾjas]; born 13 September 1940 in Heredia, Costa Rica) was President of Costa Rica from 1986 to 1990 and from 2006 to 2010.
- Silvana Arias
Silvana Arias (born April 7, 1982 in Lima) is a Peruvian actress.
- Yancey Arias
Yancey Arias (born June 27, 1971) is an American actor, perhaps most noted for his work on television crime dramas, particularly his roles as Miguel Cadena in the NBC series Kingpin and as Gabriel Williams in the FX series Thief.
- Esteban Arias
Esteban Arias (born August 26, 1982 in Bakersfield, California) is an American soccer player of Mexican heritage, currently without a club.
- Moisés Arias
Moisés Arias (born April 18, 1994) is an American actor who is best known for his roles as Rico in the Disney Channel series Hannah Montana, Biaggio in the 2013 Sundance film The Kings of Summer, Cokestraw in the 2019 SXSW comedy-drama The Wall of Mexico, and Bigfoot in the Colombian war drama Monos.
- Imanol Arias
Manuel María Arias Domínguez (born 26 April 1956 in Riaño, León, Spain) better known as Imanol Arias, is a Spanish actor and film director.
- Junji Arias
Anthony James Jude Villegas Arias, better known for his stage name Junji Arias, is a Filipino record producer, composer, singer, and was the former vocalist and chief songwriter for the band, Excerpts (1993–1999) and Velcro (1999–2008).
- Michael Arias
Michael Arias (born 1968) is an American-born filmmaker active primarily in Japan.
- Raúl Arias
Raúl Arias Rosas (born 29 October 1957) is a former Mexico Primera División footballer and manager.
- Maximiliano Arias
Álvaro Maximiliano Arias Invernizzi (born 3 October 1988) is a Uruguayan footballer.
- Santiago Arias
Santiago "Santi" Arias Naranjo (Spanish pronunciation: [sanˈtjaɣo ˈaɾjas]; born 13 January 1992) is a Colombian professional footballer who plays as a right back for Spanish club Atlético Madrid and the Colombia national team.
- Ramón Arias
Ramón Gines Arias Quinteros (born 27 July 1992) is a Uruguayan footballer who plays as a defender for San Lorenzo .
- Carolina Arias
Carolina Arias Vidal (born 2 September 1990) is a Colombian footballer who plays as a right back for Spanish Primera División club Atlético Madrid and the Colombia women's national team.
- Junior Arias
Junior Arias (born 17 May 1993) is a Uruguayan footballer who plays as a forward for Argentine Primera División club Club Atlético Banfield on loan from Tallares.
- Gabriel Arias
Gabriel Arias Arroyo (born 13 September 1987) is an Argentine-born Chilean footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Racing Club and the Chile national team.
- Lorena Arias
Lorena Ivette Arias Rodríguez (born 25 January 1983), known as Lorena Arias, is a Mexican former professional tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Arias Numerology: Name Arias has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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