What does the name Arianna mean? What is the meaning of the name Arianna?
Meaning of Arianna: Name Arianna in the Latin, ग्रीक, Italian origin, means Latin - Women from Hadria; Dark One; Old Greek - Very Holy Woman; A derivative of Adriana. Name Arianna is of Latin, ग्रीक, Italian origin and is a Girl name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Arianna: Latin - Women from Hadria; Dark One; Old Greek - Very Holy Woman; A derivative of Adriana
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Famous people with name Arianna (Namesakes)
- Arianna Huffington
Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington (born Ariadni-Anna Stasinopoulou, Greek: Αριάδνη-Άννα Στασινοπούλου, July 15, 1950) is a Greek-American author, syndicated columnist, and businesswoman.
- Arianna Fontana
Arianna Fontana OMRI (born April 14, 1990) is an Italian short track speed skater, who has won eight Olympic medals, among these a gold in the 500m short track at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.
- Arianna Afsar
Arianna Ayesha "Ari" Afsar (born October 22, 1991) is an American singer, composer and activist best known for her starring role in Hamilton, as the songwriter of Jeannette, and as a top contestant on American Idol.
She was in the original Chicago cast of Hamilton, playing the role of Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, with performances beginning in late September 2016.
- Arianna Errigo
Arianna Errigo (born 6 June 1988) is an Italian foil and sabre fencer.
- Arianna Barbieri
Arianna Barbieri (born 23 February 1989) is a female Italian swimmer.
- Arianna Bergamaschi
Arianna Martina Bergamaschi, also known as Arianna (born November 11, 1975), is an Italian singer, songwriter, stage actress and television presenter.
- Arianna Romero
Arianna "Ari" Jeanette Romero Téllez (born 29 July 1992) is an American-born Mexican footballer who plays as defender for the Houston Dash in the NWSL, Perth Glory in the Australian W-League and for the Mexico women's national football team.
- Arianna Fidanza
Arianna Fidanza (born 6 January 1995) is an Italian professional racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Women's Continental Team Lotto–Soudal Ladies.
- Arianna Schivo
Arianna Schivo (born 16 September 1986) is an Italian Olympic eventing rider.
- Arianna Noseda
Arianna Noseda (born 14 December 1997) is an Italian rower.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Arianna Numerology: Name Arianna has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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