What does the name Ariane mean? What is the meaning of the name Ariane
Meaning of Ariane: Name Ariane in the French origin, means The one who is holy and filled with purity. Name Ariane is of French origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Ariane (Namesakes)
- Ariane Labed
Ariane Labed (born 8 May 1984) is a Greek-French actress and film director.
- Ariane Rinehart
Ariane Rinehart (born April 13, 1994) is an American actress and singer.
- Ariane Mnouchkine
Ariane Mnouchkine (French: [aʁjan nuʃkin]; born 3 March 1939) is a French stage director.
- Ariane Moffatt
Ariane Moffatt (born 26 April 1979) is a Canadian singer-songwriter.
- Princess Ariane of the Netherlands
Princess Ariane of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau (Ariane Wilhelmina Máxima Inés; born 10 April 2007) is the third and youngest daughter of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima.
- Ariane Hingst
Ariane Hingst (born 25 July 1979) is a retired German footballer who is currently an analyst for Fox Sports.
- Ariane Schluter
Ariane Schluter, (born 1 February 1966, Voorburg) is a Dutch actress.
- Ariane Ascaride
Ariane Ascaride (born 10 October 1954) is a French actress and screenwriter.
- Ariane Brodier
Ariane Brodier (born 26 April 1979) is a French television personality, actress, TV host and humorist.
- Ariane Friedrich
Ariane Friedrich, born Tempel (born 10 January 1984 in Nordhausen) is a German high jumper.
- Ariane Sherine
Ariane Sherine (born 3 July 1980) is a British musical stand-up comedian, comedy writer and journalist.
- Ariane Horbach
Ariane Horbach (born 15 November 1993) is a German professional racing cyclist.
- Ariane Chemin
Ariane Chemin, born in 1962, is a French journalist and writer.
- Ariane Lipski
Ariane Lipski (born January 26, 1994) is a Brazilian mixed martial artist.
- Ariane Maier
Ariane Maier (born 10 January 1981) is an Austrian handball player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Ariane Numerology: Name Ariane has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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