What does the name Aref mean? What is the meaning of the name Aref
Meaning of Aref: Name Aref in the Persian origin, means Knowing; Knowledgeable; Wise; Intelligent; Sage;. Name Aref is of Persian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Aref are usually Zoroastrianism by religion.
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Famous people with name Aref (Namesakes)
- Mohammad Reza Aref
Mohammad Reza Aref (Persian: محمدرضا عارف, born 19 December 1951) is an Iranian engineer, academic and reformist politician who is currently the parliamentary leader of reformists' Hope fraction in the Iranian Parliament, representing Tehran, Rey, Shemiranat and Eslamshahr.
- Aref (singer)
Aref Arefkia (Persian: عارف عارفکیا), known as Aref (Persian: عارف; also Romanized as Āref), born August 10, 1940 in Tehran, Iran, and known as "the king of Hearts" and "the legend of pop", is an Iranian pop music singer and actor.
He graduated from Tehran Industrial School of Art in 1958.
- Aref Mohammadvand
Aref Mohammadvand (Persian: عارف محمدوند) born July 11, 1970 in Bandar Anzali is a retired Iranian football player.
- Aref Karim
Aref Karim (Bengali: আরেফ করিম; born 7 February 1953) is a Bangladeshi-born British accountant, hedge fund manager, and founder, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Quality Capital Management (QCM).
- Aref Ghafouri
Aref Ghafouri (Persian: عارف غفوری; born 11 December 1989 in Urmia) is an Iranian Azerbaijani Illusionist who won the Merlin Award.
- Aref Gholami
Aref Gholami (born 19 April 1997) is an Iranian footballer who played as a center back for Esteghlal in the Persian Gulf Pro League.
- Aref Aghasi
Aref Aghasi (born 2 January 1997) is an Iranian footballer who plays as a defender for Foolad in Persian Gulf Pro League.
- Aref Al Agha
Aref Al Agha (Arabic: عارف الآغا; born 17 November 1976) is a Syrian former professional footballer who played for the Syria national team.
- Fouad Aref
Fouad Aref (born 5 August 1954) is a Syrian footballer.
- Aref Haji Eydi
Aref Haji Eydi (Persian: عارف حاجیعیدی; born April 6, 1999) is an Iranian footballer who plays as a defender who currently plays for Iranian club Saipa in the Persian Gulf Pro League.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Aref Numerology: Name Aref has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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