What does the name Arana mean? What is the meaning of the name Arana?
Meaning of Arana: Name Arana means A hard rock. Name Arana is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Arana (Namesakes)
- Agustín Arana
Agustín Arana (born Agustín Arana Flores on August 27, 1968) is a Mexican actor and singer.
- Hugo Arana
Hugo Arana (born July 23, 1943) is an Argentine film, television and theatre actor.
- Jorge Arana Arana
Jorge Arana Arana (born 15 April 1960) is a Mexican politician from the Institutional Revolutionary Party.
- Fernando Ortiz Arana
Fernando Ortiz Arana (born October 26, 1944 in Santiago de Querétaro) is a Mexican politician and long serving legislator affiliated with the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI).
- Facundo Arana
Jorge Facundo Arana Tagle (born March 31, 1972) is an Argentine actor and musician.
- Ronald Arana
Ronald Arana Céspedes (born January 18, 1977 in Santa Cruz de la Sierra) is a Bolivian retired football defender.
- Arana Taumata
Arana Taumata (born 15 April 1989) is a New Zealand rugby league footballer, primarily in the five-eighth position.
- Tomas Arana
Thomas Clifford "Tomas" Arana (born April 3, 1955) is an American actor.
- Manuel Arana
Manuel Jesús Arana Rodríguez (born 3 December 1984) is a Spanish footballer who plays for CD Utrera as a right winger.
- Mario Germán Iguarán Arana
Mario Germán Iguarán Arana (born 8 June 1960) is a Colombian lawyer and diplomat.
- Gabriel Arana
Gabriel Arana (born April 10, 1983) is an American journalist.
- Ezequiel Arana
Ezequiel Arana de Palacio (born 1 May 1986), simply known as Ezequiel, is a Spanish footballer who plays for Atlético Sanluqueño CF as a left back.
- Guilherme Arana
Guilherme Antonio Arana Lopes (born 14 April 1997), known as Guilherme Arana, is a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a left back for Atlético Mineiro, on loan from Sevilla.
- Sandra Arana
Sandra Elena Arana Arce (born 31 October 1973) is an American-born actress, model, and television presenter based in Peru.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Arana Numerology: Name Arana has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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