What does the name Aparna mean? What is the meaning of the name Aparna?
Meaning of Aparna: Name Aparna in the Indian, Sanskrit origin, means One without Prana (Leaf); From the Sanskrit for 'leafless', Aparna is a name Goddess Parvathi; Without Leaves. Name Aparna is of Indian, Sanskrit origin and is a Girl name. People with name Aparna are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Aparna (Namesakes)
- Aparna Popat
Aparna Popat (born 18 January 1978) is a former Indian badminton player.
- Aparna Sen
Aparna Sen (née Dasgupta, Ôporna Shen; born 25 October 1945) is an Indian filmmaker, screenwriter and actress who is known for her work in Bengali cinema.
- Aparna Balan
Aparna Balan (born 9 August 1986) is an Indian badminton player from Kozhikode, Kerala.
- Aparna Nair
Aparna Nair is an Indian film actress, who appears in Malayalam films.
- Aparna Dixit
Aparna Dixit (born 20 October 1991) is an Indian television actress.
- Aparna Sharma
Aparna Sharma (born 23 July) is an Indian model-turned-actress.
- Aparna Vinod
Aparna Vinod is a south Indian film and theatre actress hailing from Cochin in Kerala, who debuted in 2015 in the Malayalam industry through the movie Njan Ninnodu Koodeyundu.
- Aparna Nancherla
Aparna Nancherla (born August 22, 1982) is an American comedian and actress.
- Aparna Jain
Aparna Jain is a certified Integral Master coach, marketing consultant and an author.
- Aparna Brielle
Aparna Brielle (born Aparna Parthasarathy on February 5, 1994) is an American actress.
- Aparna Chandra
Aparna Chandra (born 6 January 1971) is a fashion designer and stylist from India.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Aparna Numerology: Name Aparna has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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